Akame : drabble

May 13, 2008 17:18

Title: Jin wants sex from Kame 2

a/n: ok this is the last entry for today i promise. sorry for yet again flood your f-page. ANYWAYS!!! my friend's Don't You Ever Stop all three editions had arrive. but shhss she doesn't know it yet cause i hide and opened it first while she's still at work :D so if i didnt update my lj in the next few days there's a HUGE possibilities I'm in pain from the beating .

Koki's song very linkin park-ish hip rock which way much better than make you wet.

Jin's song wow very timbaland-ish! sooooo uber cool!

Kame cute song nothing much to say since his song pretty much the same as before but the chu chu chu is very addicting I've been chu chu chuing to everyone and it's starting to get on everyone's nerve

UEDA!! yes with capital letters! GREAT SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! even tho my fave of him was LOST but this one just awesome!!!

Nakamaru way better than key of life :D :D :D

JUNNO another capital letters! thank goodness he had upgrade himself from kiddies song to a GOOD SONG!

overall I like and I approve their singles!

Kame was standing leaned against the wall, enjoying his break. He saw Jin coming towards him "Kazu, I have a riddle for you." Jin settled himself next to Kame. "Ok" Kame looked around looking for cameras. "What is it that has 3 letters word and when we do it, it'll give us satisfaction". Kame took a moment to answer and the he said "Eat". Jin face palmed. "Ok ok next riddle. What is the activity that we do every night?" This time Kame straight away answer "Sleep". Not getting the right answer Jin decided to ask again but was stopped by Kame "Jin, I'm not going to have sex with you on the set. Now go mock me in front of the camera" Kame pulled Jin in for a quick kiss.

akame, fanfic: drabble, fan-fics

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