Album Anticipation Challenge: Read Between the Lines!

Jan 22, 2011 11:48

Are you excited for the new Panic! album?
Do you miss having tons of Brendon/Ryan fics, pictures, videos, and other fan works?
Wouldn’t it be awesome to have an explosion of fan-made presents to enjoy the night before the album is released?

Answer: OF COURSE!

In celebration of the upcoming Panic! album, we’re running a little challenge here at ryden revival!

Sign up in the comments to commit to creating a piece of fiction, art, video, etc. with a Brendon/Ryan focus in anticipation for the new album. Any time period is okay, as are alternate universes!

All works will be due on March 20th and will be posted on March 21st just in time to get really excited for the new cd!

So come on, fangirls. Let’s celebrate!!!

(Thanks to redorchids for the beautiful banner!)

challenge, modpost

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