Well kids, another year has come and gone. I can't believe how fast 2005 flew by, what a ride though huh? Probably one of the worst and best years in recent memory. I'll try and relive it for you the best that I can but I do get hit in the head a lot and my memory isn't all that great to begin with. I thought about doing a month by month breakdown
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Comments 4
- 3 team cage match victory - best match I've ever done
- Chikara guys coming to Minnesota and getting to wrestle Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli and "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush - an honor indeed
- IWA No-Limits (formerly NWA No-Limits) debut - a great time for me as well
- Many, many roadtrips - one word - TECHNO
- winning the NIW tag titles - you can thank me later
- Tag Team TLC match with New Generation - a fun time
- Poker nights - indeed
- Final MPW show; the best and worst show I've been a part of - I have to agree
- Finding a new home after MPW's closing at NIW and all the great people I've met there - tis a great group of guys they have
- Amery Shows - my favorite shows right now
- Robbie Robert THE Rob Page...'nuff said - tis I the one & only
- The rest of the shinanigans that go on with us wrestler folk... - shinanigans, what shinanigans?
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