Title: New York
hawkeyecatFandom: Law & Order: The Original Series
Medium: Television
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Jack McCoy/Ed Green
Theme: M is for Mars: Roman god of war and agriculture; father of Romulus and Remus.
alphabetasoupWord Count: 600
Rating: Probably teen.
Disclaimer: Um, no.
Author's Notes: This prompt was chosen by
ladyabbey, and oh man, it’s
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Comments 9
A very good fic, imho. And yay! You were able to write it out and everything. Congrats!
Yeah, I got it written--at 0230.
but still very good. I might have to dig thru archives to see if anyone posted fic reacting to that fateful day
Nice job! : )
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading!
That aside, this is such a great piece. All of it rings true, but two things especially.
I can remember thinking something like the opening line while watching the news coverage of the towers collapsing over and over again. It was hard to feel anything but helpless that day.
The last bit, where Jack and Ed discover that the other is unhurt...they'll definitely be holding each other a little tighter after this.
Thank you for such a wonderful piece.
I know how I felt that day--I was at school, and had a bloody English test that my teacher refused to delay. I can't imagine how it must have felt to be in New York when it happened.
Oh, I'm sure they will. They're so incredibly relieved, Jack especially.
Thank you for reading, and for your kind words.
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