All right, so I've been thinking about the whole exchange format, and I've decided to deviate from my original plan a bit and experiment. If this doesn't work, we'll just go back to what I'd initially had in mind. Also, please excuse the slightly simple look of the community and its profile at the moment; I'm going to spiffy it up with graphics
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Comments 18
Penname or Nickname/Livejournal Username: Christine naiad8 on LJ
E-mail Address: ccaselo @
Age (give a range, at least, if you're uncomfortable with specifics): 30
Fic Request
Briefly describe what you'd like to receive: Ron and Hermione get sent to an alternate time period, and have to work out their relationship there.
What rating would you prefer? PG-13 to NC-17
One to three specifics you want (optional): some humor/problems regarding costume, running into a Weasley of the past, old, forgotten magic (these would be nice, but aren't completely necessary)
Deal Breakers (what don't you want?): no Marauders era (been done too much), no countermanding H/G (though they don't have to be there), no incest
General Administration
Have you completely read the userinfo page and agree to abide by all of the rules? Yes.
Penname or Nickname/Livejournal Username: Jess/forgetablelove
E-mail Address:
Age range: I'm over 18.
Fic Request
Briefly describe what you'd like to receive: just an angsty, dark themed fic.
What rating would you prefer? below R (totally not into smut/graphic sex. though hinting at a sexual relationship won't be a problem. just nothing graphic.)
One to three specifics you want (optional): just make sure it's angsty and dark.
Deal Breakers (what don't you want?): the no smut thing and I don't care what really is the story line, though I would perfer no marriage law or time travel fics.
General Administration
Have you completely read the userinfo page and agree to abide by all of the rules? Yup. What's with the beta reader thing? They have to come here and say they beta read it? What if it's a PI or out of livejournal beta reader how will THAT work?
You brought up very good points-- thus, I have added to the community rules to accomodate the exceptions you mentioned. Beta readers with livejournals will comment on a given post in this comm, while non-lj beta readers will be required to e-mail their "testimony," of sorts, to
Thank you for commenting, and for making a request! Hopefully, we'll have a nice turnout.
Penname or Nickname/Livejournal Username: ali/ Alicat123
E-mail Address:
Age range: 15-18
Fic Request
Briefly describe what you'd like to receive: When Hermione returns to the common room with a large bruise on her face ,Ron is very concerned about what has happened. they have a heart to heart and he finds out whats really been happening those evenings in the library...
What rating would you prefer? mature to r...I want a really juicy story, so long as it's well written i dont't care!
One to three specifics you want (optional):Draco, homework help and a spell
Deal Breakers (what don't you want?): no sex please,and nothing too horrific that's been happening....oh and no Harry please.
General Administration
Have you completely read the userinfo page and agree to abide by all of the rules? Absolutely. Read and am very willing to abide by.
Great idea by the way Unicorn13!
Penname or Nickname/Livejournal Username: desidancer, Anitha
E-mail Address:
Age range: Years over 16
Fic Request
Briefly describe what you'd like to receive: A realistic and touching R/Hr during the Horcrux hunt.
What rating would you prefer? PG-13 and up is fine
One to three specifics you want (optional): Angst, love between friends and, well...lovers obviously, give Harry enough spotlight as well
Deal Breakers (what don't you want?): smut that isn't backed up
General Administration
Have you completely read the userinfo page and agree to abide by all of the rules? Yeppers.
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