Without an absolute how can the absolute define/ a work of art?

Apr 17, 2009 17:54

Haven't taken any pictures for pleasure in awhile.

Aren't these baby oak leaves cute? )

things i saw, trees

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Comments 14

deaver April 20 2009, 21:41:13 UTC
Oooh, very pretty. Too bad oaks, when they are first budding/leafing make me sneeze.


rustydog April 20 2009, 22:02:00 UTC
Oh, oak flower pollen can be awful. I don't suffer from allergies, for which I'm thankful, but around here we get a highly visible layer of yellow dust covering all the streets, sidewalks, cars and benches when the oaks and pines are flowering. When it rains, the pollen floats on the puddles as if someone had emptied a chalkboard tray on them. I can just imagine how difficult it would be if that stuff made my sinuses go crazy.


(The comment has been removed)

rustydog April 26 2009, 05:30:09 UTC
Well, darnit, I made these but Picnik won't let me make them less than 40K, so I'm afraid they won't work on LJ. I'm sorry!

... )


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