A subject that is close to my heart

Mar 03, 2013 21:52

When I was young, one of my chores was picking up the dog poo in the backyard. ( The Tale of Young Rusty and the Pooper Scooper )

compost, dogs

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Comments 4

donutsweeper March 4 2013, 04:35:45 UTC
Memphis, I think you might be a little too big for that :)

Unfortunately, it's baggies for cleaning up after Molly here too. But a composter is pretty neat an idea!


rustydog March 5 2013, 04:49:39 UTC
Isn't it cool? Apparently if you keep adding septic starter every few months, you never even have to clean it out unless you have *really* high volume. I'd seen big commercial ones installed in dog parks (great idea!) but I hadn't thought about DIY til recently.

Heh, Memphis loves to curl up tight so his whole body fits in that bed. But often he hangs out of it.


mad_jaks March 8 2013, 22:34:25 UTC
You can buy Dog Loo-s over here, but I've always thought they were very expensive. Didn't think to figure out the DIY version for myself!


karaokegal March 9 2013, 20:06:28 UTC
I feel for the horrible disappointment of young Rusty. That must have been horrible. (Probably for your parents too, if they tried to get it right and then realized they'd gotten it so wrong.)


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