
Nov 10, 2011 22:04

Happy Frost Moon!

We are supposed to actually have frost tonight. The bright air is delicious. And right now there is a blue morning glory on my balcony rail, open full-trumpet, looking right at the moon.

This entry was also posted at http://rustydog.dreamwidth.org/1065428.html. You may comment at either place.

moon, flowers

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Comments 3

sunbrae November 11 2011, 15:35:50 UTC
Not only did we have frost, we had some snow, too. Not enough to stick to the ground, but it was there.


mad_jaks November 11 2011, 15:41:23 UTC
We have no frost, yet. The moon, however, has been looking absolutely fabulous for the past few nights now.


ghoulchick November 11 2011, 18:02:36 UTC
We had frost! Thick frost on my windshield, and what looked like a smattering of snow on the roof of the car.


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