the weirdness of humanity

Mar 25, 2020 16:48

2020 will forever be known for the great toilet paper shortage.  Yes, the coronavirus is the big news, but after the dust settles, it will be the panicked response to toilet paper that will be most remembered.  Apparently there were fistfights over toilet paper at the COSTCO near me.  I guess that makes toilet paper the second most absurd thing to ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

scaleslea March 25 2020, 20:51:36 UTC
I would be enjoying it much more if I didn't have telework.


russell_moore March 26 2020, 20:58:17 UTC
I recommend a cat, or dog, as telework companion ... on the times I did teleowrk, my cats made it much more tolerable


scaleslea May 10 2020, 00:14:56 UTC
Rest assured, the cats telework with me every day. Whether I want them to or not.


free_of_whip March 25 2020, 23:01:47 UTC
I worked from home for ten years before starting this job, so that's not so much of a novelty. And I'm managing to get all my groceries--and even toilet paper!--delivered. So my day to day life isn't that different from before ( ... )


russell_moore March 26 2020, 21:01:32 UTC
I can see the need for companionship with the little ones ... I remember a hug from my daughter when she was a wee one as a soul re-charge ... I'm sure it's the same with grandchildren


grail76 March 26 2020, 01:33:24 UTC
Glad you're doing well.
I retired in January and am settling in to the 6 Saturdays and a Sunday schedule.
And for the moment am not seeing anyone except ar a few feet distance.


russell_moore March 26 2020, 21:02:59 UTC
welcome to retirement! I have found it is more wonderful than I ever imagined ... hope it is the same for you


bluejai March 26 2020, 03:53:49 UTC
Hey handsome, I guess our next dinner will have to wait a little longer. I'm happy to read you're well. I am in isolation with Tom and the girl child. 9 days ago symptoms started, it's now moved into pneumonia which had me in the ER Monday night. Tom and Ivy are sick too. Still waiting for the results of my Covid-19 test, but I am a "presumptive positive". Still, we are in good spirits, and have lots of kitty cat love. Stay well, hon.


russell_moore March 26 2020, 21:05:32 UTC
oh babe - so sorry to hear that ... may your period of ick be short lived and minimally yucky and the 3 of you back to a normal state in short order


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