
Dec 13, 2011 10:04

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck. So hell is in the midst of rising and, you know, instead of strengthening the presence of Heaven on Earth they boot over everyone that's under Lucifer's immediate threat to Iona and just let the rest of the Earth sit like ducks. Because after that battle on Iona the amount of Hell on Earth wont spread to ( Read more... )

gabriel : presidingangel, seth : crossandbones, giboriel : holiestroller

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holiestroller December 13 2011, 18:45:24 UTC
Giborel's doing some reconnaissance, under Orders from Michael. Seeing the lone figure atop the the bank, he spirals in and touches down a few feet away, furling his wings and sitting down. "You know, Seth," he says, his tone mild, "brooding like a gargoyle isn't even a good look for gargoyles."


crossandbones December 13 2011, 19:06:14 UTC
Erk, angel alert. He stiffened a little when he felt that Grace nearby. Although nearly choked on the gargoyal reference.

"Mighta looked in t'that reference a bit too deep," he managed to scoff a chuckle.


holiestroller December 13 2011, 19:31:47 UTC
"So what's got you sitting up here with a waterspout practically pouring out of your mouth?"


crossandbones December 13 2011, 19:35:12 UTC
He looks back at the angel with an 'are you serious' expression. He reached for another cigarette and lit it before responding.

"Well I dunno, let's start with Hell rising again."


holiestroller December 13 2011, 19:51:20 UTC
Gib's tone is oh, so dry. "Right, because Lucifer should be surprised that a few demons on the periphery of his notice have turned their backs on his ever-so-amazing self in favor of Father. And so his Pride is stung, and in a temper tantrum worthy of the most spoiled three-year-old on the planet, he's decided to suddenly take an interest."

He gives Seth a Look. "So where are you in all this?"


crossandbones December 13 2011, 20:03:57 UTC
"He should be. You know how many people even got an ounce a sanity after they're in Hell?" That set him off, fucking Angels man. Talking like they have a clue. He stood up, turned slow. Glared, not like it mattered.

"You ain't got a damn clue what it's like being down there, seeing what we see, feeling what we feel. Not many souls get the chance for redemption 'cause usually, once you're fucked you're just fucked."

"An... you expected somethin' different? You expected Lucifer to just be sorta okay with people hopping fence?" He rose a brow, smoke puffing from his lips.

Breathe. He stayed his distance, not being nearly as strong as he was a few years ago. "Same damn place I was last time this shit happened. The losing side, but at least it's th' right one."


holiestroller December 13 2011, 20:22:53 UTC
"No, Seth, I'm not surprised at all at Lucifer's epic fit. After all, he's in the habit of throwing them, isn't he? 'Oh, Father loves those ridiculous humans more than me, well pft, screw Him.' Par for the course, really, it's what he does."

Gib slowly tilts his head. "You could always join the winning side. Because you know this isn't going to end well for our Fallen big brother." He shakes his head. "It never does."


crossandbones December 13 2011, 20:33:26 UTC
He leans forward a bit, "your side ain't the winnin' side either. The only reason you're fightin' is because it gives you a chance to take Lucifer down. Don't even try to tell me the lot of you give a damn about humanity, really. I ain't buyin it."


holiestroller December 13 2011, 20:42:17 UTC
Gib glares at him. "I can't speak for my other brothers, obviously. But I give a damn about humanity. It's my Purpose, Seth, or have you forgotten that in your own righteous indignation?" He shakes his head. "Don't impugn my motives when you know nothing about what motivates me."


crossandbones December 13 2011, 21:01:47 UTC
He points to himself, "hello. Demon up in here. You thinkin' I'm gunna know what every thousand upon thousand a you cloud hoppers are up to?"


holiestroller December 13 2011, 21:20:43 UTC
"Then don't presume to tell me why I'm fighting. Or even why most of my brothers are fighting. Just because most of your side hates humanity doesn't mean ours does. The opposite, actually." He points a finger at him. "We're dying for them, Seth. Because we love them. The Son even had something to say about that, once upon a time, and you'd do well to remember it."


crossandbones December 13 2011, 21:56:28 UTC
"Oh, right, cause ya'll bringing the Anahim to Iona's a real sure sign y'give a shit about man. Where are you while the middle-east still suffers t'day. Where were you while Egypt erupted into violence not that long ago. Where the Hell were all of you during World War one and two, huh?" He took a daring step in without realizing it. Passion, and maybe a bit of anger, overthrowing his senses. He couldn't help it.

"You know why so many humans turn to demons?" He wasn't waiting for an answer. "You got any idea how many deals I make 'cause they pray, and pray, and pray and you shithead's ain't listenin'? You wouldn't b'lieve the people I get that lose their soul because they just want their son to live a little longer than two years 'cause they were born with Tuberculosis. How the shit is that fair?"


holiestroller December 13 2011, 22:10:15 UTC
Well, there's one answer to a question he didn't ask. The Fallen do know about Iona. Great. He'll be sure and tell Michael. "Maybe you missed the memo, but we've also taken the humans in the line of fire there as well. Or, at least--" His mouth twists. "The ones who would go." He will keep his opinion private about the ones who refused.

"'Fair' doesn't enter into it, Seth. You know that. And the fact that you help the humans crumble during adversity instead of holding them up is part of the reason you're where you are and I'm where I am." He's not backing down. "Let's remember, please, who started all the adversity to begin with. Your boss. Not mine."


crossandbones December 13 2011, 22:20:51 UTC
His best friend was a priest. He knew, but others? He couldn't say. Lucifer wasn't dumb, though. Seth was certain all the big players already knew anyways. He steps back though.

"As if I have a choice." He's not even going to bother arguing anymore. Like it's ever proven worth the bother.


holiestroller December 13 2011, 22:27:06 UTC
Gib rakes a hand through his hair. "Clearly, you do. Just as clearly, there are consequences--" Just because he'd been invisible when Ben came home from his battle with Belial didn't mean he hadn't seen the horrific damage that Simon had taken. It still gives him cold shudders. "Because the Morningstar's a big jerk."

His tone gentles. "But you have a choice, Seth."


crossandbones December 13 2011, 22:50:43 UTC
"I know all about consequences, b'lieve me." He didn't want to think about it. He really didn't want to think about it. How close he came to stop believing all together. They were good at what they did down there, but he remembered His Presence. He remembered that smile, he remembered that Love. he remembered man, sinful or not, the amazing things they did. Their creativity; their passion. Music, dance, language.

So here he was. "S'exactly why I'm under such ehavy ball an' chain. I staked my life last time this shit happened. Fought for man. Stood with your brothers. Used my passage t'Hell to put my own kind right back down there. An then once everything was done, they got me. An' I spent one year, human years, down there. You got any idea how long that is Hell time?"


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