Oh, man. I don't feel like such a perv anymore, because the whole episode I was thinking "OH MAN RUSH/CHLOE/RUSH FANFIC FTW!" and feeling all "nobody else is going to think that!"
/has a million and one thoughts floating around her head that could be used
- Rush's speech was the best. I would have stayed, too. Like Chloe. If you watch closely, you can see her looking at Rush when she moves to 'his' side. Plus she didn't follow anyone but made her own decision to stay with Rush. *flails*
- It's official. They play stargateland on Destiny. No, seriously. They had Team Food (lead by Chloe), Team Med (lead by T.J.), Team Weapons (lead by Greer/Scott), Team Greenhouse (lead by Becker) and Team Things-that-make-it-go (lead by Brody). And well, Team Twin!Rush. xD
- Chloe stayed. Without anyone influencing her decision but Rush.
- Varro stayed, too. For T.J. <3
- Have I mentioned Chloe staying with Rush? *happy sigh*
- Aww, Brody. *pats him* Workout is always good for you. Though next time use the walkie-talkie to save time.
- Other!Rush was very emotional, or at least that's what I got from the episode.
We've got 12 hours in which Twin!Rush can stalk Chloe and demand to know why she decided to stay while Our!Rush is jealous. xD
I loved Rush's speech! I also really liked how nervous he was about giving it. He was very endearing to me for being so nervous but trying not to show it.
I hope that everyone gets to read Rush's speech in the changed time line. He should still have it. That would be a idea for a fanfic Chloe reading Rush's speech and then going to talk to him about it.
I love that Varro stayed for TJ. I know he didn't have much to go to Earth for but he only choose to stay after she did. Varro/TJ is my second favorite ship after Chloe/Rush.
Poor Brody lol Young looked at him like he was a idoit lol.
I loved Band Aid!Rush. I really like it when Rush is emotional.
LOL at Band Aid!Rush with Chloe and Our!Rush getting jealous. Guess they'd have to learn to share her lol:D I'd read that story.
I dont have anything to add, since you guys pretty much hit the highlights for me. I'll admit that the two Rushes put dirty, dirty thoughts in my head.
Comments 8
So, please, come and discuss and flail and possibly write comment fic in the form of Rush/Chloe/Rush.
/has a million and one thoughts floating around her head that could be used
Hehe, good call! :D
- Rush's speech was the best. I would have stayed, too. Like Chloe. If you watch closely, you can see her looking at Rush when she moves to 'his' side. Plus she didn't follow anyone but made her own decision to stay with Rush. *flails*
- It's official. They play stargateland on Destiny. No, seriously. They had Team Food (lead by Chloe), Team Med (lead by T.J.), Team Weapons (lead by Greer/Scott), Team Greenhouse (lead by Becker) and Team Things-that-make-it-go (lead by Brody). And well, Team Twin!Rush. xD
- Chloe stayed. Without anyone influencing her decision but Rush.
- Varro stayed, too. For T.J. <3
- Have I mentioned Chloe staying with Rush? *happy sigh*
- Aww, Brody. *pats him* Workout is always good for you. Though next time use the walkie-talkie to save time.
- Other!Rush was very emotional, or at least that's what I got from the episode.
We've got 12 hours in which Twin!Rush can stalk Chloe and demand to know why she decided to stay while Our!Rush is jealous. xD
Edit: I am actually already writing it. Heh.
I hope that everyone gets to read Rush's speech in the changed time line. He should still have it. That would be a idea for a fanfic Chloe reading Rush's speech and then going to talk to him about it.
I love that Varro stayed for TJ. I know he didn't have much to go to Earth for but he only choose to stay after she did. Varro/TJ is my second favorite ship after Chloe/Rush.
Poor Brody lol Young looked at him like he was a idoit lol.
I loved Band Aid!Rush. I really like it when Rush is emotional.
LOL at Band Aid!Rush with Chloe and Our!Rush getting jealous. Guess they'd have to learn to share her lol:D I'd read that story.
Hmm, not only in yours. xD
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