Наконец то! Сдала все екзамены. На пятёрки. Теперь смогу потохоньку ответить на накопившиеся е-майлы. Всем всем всем- жива я жива!!!!!!! K Говорят 2 недели назад в Москве была радуга. Вот нашла фотку;
Girl, I wish you can come to my Lord of the Rings home marathon!This Thursday. Bring soft drink and a snack. And of course a blanket.I have flat screen, candles and few people who love LOR.
No I am still in USrusbirdDecember 17 2006, 22:33:58 UTC
I am entering RN program this January in small community college. That was very good experience for LSATs for you.I have a prep book for LSAT because I was considering Law degree too.Now I think I will go medicine:)
Re: No I am still in USkatyushakDecember 19 2006, 14:31:12 UTC
Well, good luck! Medicine is very hard to get into too. In my opinion, their test is much worse than the LSAT. It is a much longer test and covers more subjects that are quite extensive and difficult, like math, chemistry, and physics. I have a friend who is studying for it right now. But you should just pursue whatever you want to study irregardless of the test. However difficult, it's still just one test and sooner or later you'll be done with it. So just pursue whatever you feel you want to do it life.
::hugs:: Congratulations on your grades! I know you were working very hard on your work. Maybe you can take a little break now that school is out for a couple weeks. I will see you on Thursday. I'm excited. :)
Томик! Спасибо! Извини за молчание- запарилась с учёбой жутко в последнее время. Как внучки то поживают? Как Тимстер? Позвоню на Новый год обязательно.
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