EDIT: I was working so long saving this in filtered mode for me and Fifi to check my coding and the whatnot I forgot to put in:
Obviously. Massive The Game Spoilers. Behind the cut. And probably in the comments eventually too
Okay so. This took a little longer to get up then last week for two reasons, one. I was horribly ill on Tuesday night, and
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here via kayebee_12
CHUCK?!? Chuck, Lorne and Cadman? CHUCK? The technician? OMG, scarred! I'm scarred for life! OMG why I am tempted to ask for a link now?!?
*ggg* Right, it's canon! Them spending so much time together made me squee with delight! However, I must admit I'm a Sheppard fangirl, so I'll defend him no matter what!
I'm surfing oddball_sga cos if they don't have that threesome, most likely nobody wrote it. Anyway, guess what I found? A John Sheppard/Janet fic! *dies* That, I'm not reading.
I've also totally read the Lorne/Liz with the future implied with Novak.
OMG. I've also read that I Hear the Bells series, I *LOVE* it, threesome, and voyerism and yes. So, good.
Dude, I got the pairing wrong. Oops, it was actually Parrish/Lorne/Cadman, but it's in this series. They listen. Porny mcporners they are.
Oh yes! Please ask for recs for that, that would *rock* :D
Somehow I knew that ;)
OMG you read as much as I do!!!! *massive glee*
It's ok! You're feeding my obsessions so I can only thank you. Pssst, i've just watched the Kavan clips at youtube. I fell in love with him and Lorne ALL over again and I didn't think that was possible! ZOMG! Thank you! *squishes you*
I will. First thing tomorrow. I'm going to bed now even if I'm not sleepy at all, but I *have* to try to get some sleep.
Seriously, Kavan? = LOVE. You've seen the interview he did with Gateworld, right? If not, you've got to go there and download it. It's *brilliant*.
Yay! I only have one other person actually tagging stuff to me really, and she hasn't been online as much lately, which is woe.
And yes. It's almost 4 or 5am there isn't it? I can't remember if you're 6 or 7 hours ahead of my time zone. Have a good sleep!
Yes, I've seen it! He's just so funny and adorkable! *g*
We can rec fics! That'd be awesome. I don't have anyone to share fics with. I really know just one person in this fandom
it's 4 am now, but I cannot stop reading Brownian Motion!!! *flails* I'm a puddle of goo at the moment! I can't wait for Rodney to show up and bitch cos Ronon/Teyla/John have started without him. ggg
Go to bed! But. yes. Dude. It's. So good. And LMFAO, he so does *g*
Yes, going, going. Talk to you tomorrow
I read about 1 fic a day to stave off withdrawal and spend the rest of my time gathering more fic to keep for the internetless times to come. If you slowly wean yourself down to only a little online time each day it wont hurt so much when the net is gone (or so I hope).
PS: wouldn't it better to save the fics rather than keep all those tabs open? *curious* Are you using PermaTab?
I had not heard of this PermaTab, but will absolutely be looking into it later (am off to the zoo now) Thanks!
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