And then the princess had storage space and lived happily every after

May 02, 2018 09:56

The 3-D walk-through of the house design was great and we forwarded docs to the contractor for pricing. He's super swamped like all contractors are around here these days so I don't know when we'll be able to get a meeting with him. He's fantastic though, and incredibly excited to work with us. His daughter is disabled and his family recently ( Read more... )

future, remodel, house house house house house

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Comments 1

sallysimpleton May 7 2018, 23:32:47 UTC
Regarding storage space: we had to buy Ikea closets for our bedroom here. They don't seem that big but I cannot believe how much they hold all at once! It's amazing! But I still have a constant clothing donation bag going here.

I'm also glad to hear that the house redesign is helping you have a positive, forward-thinking mindset too.


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