Indigenous Disapora Something Something Feelings Are Hard

Apr 18, 2018 09:57

 Ugh I'm always so depressed when I come back to Seattle after a trip back home. I'm especially feeling it today since I'm headed out for hula in a little bit and the lessons I'm taking here aren't nearly as good as the single lesson I took at the hotel condos where we stayed. My instructor (she's not a kumu hula because that's a specific training ( Read more... )

homesick, hawaii

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Comments 1

dagmar_b April 19 2018, 01:26:42 UTC

Not necessarily related but sort of... I thought of you when driving home on Tuesday as Darek Mazzone (KEXP DJ) had just been to Hawaii and dived into vintage Hawaiian music. He played some of the music he found on his show. Check out the archive, if it interests you. I think it might make your heart sing.


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