Feb 03, 2007 11:11
It's... different being on her own. Without a squad to watch her back she is forced to be constantly aware. Her eyes and ears are sharper than they've ever been and she grows more and more aware of tactical possibilities. The constant awareness is wearing. She can't count on others to keep watch during the night for her, and she wakes up at the slightest sound. Many nights she goes without sleep altogether.
The Elders had wanted her to make a run through the industrial district. Squads in that sector keep disappearing, and they wanted a visual check to make sure there wasn't a Red supply base in the area. It had taken twelve grueling hours to search all of the buildings. Twelve hours in the cold and the silence moving quietly through the desolate streets. Twelve hours coming right on the heels of fifteen hours of combat around Station 27. The Reds had eventually destroyed the station.
The industrial district is clear. No Reds, no Red supply dumps, no sign of Reds troops having been there in the last couple of days. She calls in to report and get a new assignment: she's told to be in a spotting positions in the central plaza in twelve hours.
So she heads to one of the bolt holes Proto built for her. If this one is still secure she can get ten hours of sleep. She has to fight to stay awake and alert as she approaches the old apartment building. It looks clear and she sighs in relief.
She moves silently into the building and finds the remains of the old apartment that has been set up for sleeping in. She pushes open the door and steps cautiously inside...