Title: Fix
Pairing: Jyabura/Kaku
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,167
Summary: It's a never-ending cycle: Jyabura screws things up and Kaku puts them back together.
A/N: I promise I'll eventually write something longer than like two pages.
He doesn’t want to say that it’s like taking care of Jyabura, because it’s not. It’s like taking care of everything else. )
Comments 23
something that is possibly eggs and definitely on fire
Sounds like my own cooking.
I am actually pretty good with eggs, but that's about where my kitchen skills stop.
I can use a microwave! This stops me from starving to death. Mostly.
I can use a microwave too, but sometimes bad things happen because our microwave is old and crotchety.
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Plus, eeeeeeee, adorable Chopper dancing! *squishes icon*
Everyone needs more Chopper.
You know, at first this started out as the classic "Person A finds that Person B can't cook, haha" kind of scenario, and it wasn't until Jyabura complained that it occurred to me that Kaku's high-handed actions were actually kind of rude. I mean, to come out of nowhere and dump all of Jyabura's hard work into the sink? Wolfman took it pretty well, considering.
Also, I love how Kaku checks with food to make sure Jyabura's really asleep. But why hasn't Jyabura slept in two days?
Yeah, it was rude. At this point, Kaku's approach is "make sure the apartment doesn't explode and then go back to bed" and it wasn't until Jyabura said something that he realized "Oh, wait...he's a person, not just a walking mess, and he's freaking out too." And Jyabura managed not to have a fit about it because he was, well, freaking out too, and also really tired.
Stress. Staying up going "So, I am now out of a job and a life, what now?" That kind of thing. Maybe I should have put something in about that. XD
Ahahaha best line! I think this captures Jyabura very, very well.
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