[DC] You want more and you want it fast

Sep 16, 2010 16:07

Title: You want more and you want it fast
Pairing: Jason/Tim
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: References to underage prostitution and child abuse.
Summary: In which Jason dons a classic Batgirl costume for sexy reasons.
Notes: Current-ish. Terrific Table of Robins, Jason to Tim; dc_kink, “Tim/Jason, Jason begging for it”; hc_bingo, theme 'hookers'. Title from Bowie's ' ( Read more... )

ch: tim, ship: tim/jason, bingo: h/c, fandom: dc comics, batfamily, batgirl, robin, ch: jason, fic, terrific table of robins, identity issues, ship: bruce/jason

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Comments 12

spoileralert September 16 2010, 16:51:29 UTC
oh man this is like exactly what I didn't know I wanted to read until I read it and realized that it was exactly what I wanted to read more than anything. Truly excellent. And terribly hot.


runespoor7 September 17 2010, 01:46:41 UTC
Ha. I felt about the same way writing it. Thank you.


munnin_odanin September 16 2010, 21:34:31 UTC
hot and wonderful! Couldn't stop reading if I'd tried. Thank you


runespoor7 September 17 2010, 01:50:16 UTC
:D I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for letting me know!


shiny_glor_chan September 16 2010, 21:38:14 UTC
I don't even. Cross dressing older Jason doesn't mesh in my head, but somehow I loved this anyway. Guh, the hot porn, and usually submissive and begging Jason would bother the hell out of me, but guh. And the ending. And Tim. Just heeee. <3


hyperactivator September 17 2010, 01:59:57 UTC


runespoor7 September 17 2010, 14:59:32 UTC
Thank you.


runespoor7 September 17 2010, 02:04:38 UTC
I don't even: Pretty much my reaction when I realized I was writing Tim/Jason, then? I'm so glad the fic worked for you, even though it's not your kinks.

About Jason begging: he's always the one taking the initiatives, but the thought of him bugging someone into taking control of him by losing control of themselves makes sense to me. Ultimately he's the one pushing the buttons, and you know, Red Hood, headgames kind of guy... And also my Jason likes bottoming. What can I say, I'm shallow.


kirax2 September 18 2010, 03:49:54 UTC
Wow...hot and clever and different. I like your writing - you tend to come at familiar pairings with a different spin, and I'm totally digging it. Gotta admit, the post-fucking clean up that Jason gave Tim squicked me a little bit, but overall this was hot, and dirty, and really excellent. I also felt sorry for Tim throughout most of it... ^^;


flowerflute October 3 2010, 02:24:14 UTC
Mmm, Batfamily, you are so deliciously fucked up and GOD. I'll be in my bunk.


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