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Comments 7

outlawpoet August 19 2010, 21:47:38 UTC
It's really hard for me to get behind this, if only because the Bruce/Jason interactions since Under the Red Hood have been underwhelming, and Tim and Dick have gotten really mean and dismissive about it.

It could be so perfect, if they found their spines at DC and just went for it. Bruce and Jason are both damaged individuals, but their crazy could mesh so well. It would require one or both unbending somehow, and DC abandoning their 'antagonists are evil forever' policy.


runespoor7 August 19 2010, 22:04:12 UTC
The Bruce/Jason interactions since UtH have been so few, as well. But practically every time we've seen Jason since has something to do with Bruce - the crossover with Green Arrow, Jason trying to take Dick's role in Nightwing: One Year Later, the stuff from Countdown I've posted, the tomfoolery at the end of Robin was specifically because Bruce had died, his actions in Battle for the Cowl and Bruce's message... The problem is that a lot if not most of these suffer from deplorable characterization.

It would require one or both unbending somehow, and DC abandoning their 'antagonists are evil forever' policy.
DC has already missed such an opportunity with the end of Countdown; seeing Bruce die, killing a Joker, that could have shaken Jason somehow and made him more willing to play by Bruce's rules. Of course, that didn't go anywhere - no, worse than anywhere, that went into Nicieza's extremely disatisfactory writing of Jason ( ... )


saavikam77 August 19 2010, 23:16:23 UTC
Best. Scanspam. EVER!! \O/

I'm just so glad that there are those of us that really SEE the not-quite-SUBtext of their doomed true love obsession.

I hadn't seen some of the early comics you posted from, too, so it was wonderful to see that the OTP-ness was there practically from the get-go. >:D



ultra_maniac August 20 2010, 03:30:20 UTC
I've only just recently gotten into Jason Todd the character. I've read many comics to just try and figure out why Jason turned out the way he has in current timeline and what his motivation could be. I view the character as being multi-layered and his relationship with Bruce is something that is not just important for him but helped to shape Batman and everyone else in the Bat Brood.

Perhaps that's praising the character too much but I truly adore everything about him and his love/hate relationship with Bruce. It's been one of the highlights for the characters and I think you done an amazing (FANTASTICALLY~) superb job capturing what makes these character tick and love one another.

GUH~ I just love it! Thanks so much for sharing and revealing the heart and soul of these two together~


oroburos69 August 20 2010, 05:58:07 UTC
Pretty sure you just single handedly converted me to this pairing. And I'm going to friend you now, because you have lots and lots of awesome on your journal.


kurenai_tenka August 20 2010, 11:57:09 UTC
Great picspam! Aw, the coffin scene. ;_;


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