Title: Not Entirely Untrue
Fandom: DC (Under the Hood)
Pairing: Bruce/Jason
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It's not Bruce laying the rules, he doesn't get to do that anymore, but it's Bruce dealing the hand. And Jason can play with that.
Notes: In which identity porn is failed at. Title from Batman 645. This was the story that should have been up for
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Comments 8
Gah, he came when Bruce called him Robin! >_<;; That was... *fans self and hides in corner away from this pairing*
This fic broke my brain in all the best ways. Just the interaction between Bruce and Jason and Matches and Jay (and I've wanted to see something where Matches and Jay have sleazy sex interact for way to long!) and the way it's different for their different personas was perfect.
And just- Jason! He always makes me hurt for him, especially like this with Bruce.
It was also the best written porn I have read in way too long. Will be rereading this another three times at least *cough* I saw some of your comments regarding your difficulties with English but it really is very well written.
...I swear I'm done fangirling now!
And the story is beautifully written. It's a porn story where there is really a story, a good one, which is well served by the porn. Awesome.
(And fucking Bruce. He has to, at last, *try* to keep the poor Jay with him.)
Et je suis vraiment impressionnée par l'impression de fluidité de la langue qui se dégage de ton texte. Tu as doublement toute mon admiration.
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