[DC] The great Batcave in the sky

Apr 02, 2009 01:17

Title: The great Batcave in the sky
Fandom: DC
Rating: PG
Summary: The afterlife looks like the Batcave.
Notes: Terrific Table of Robins, Steph meets Pre-Crisis Jay. Set during War Games. Crit on the characterization more than welcome. (You have no idea how hard I've had to fend off the temptation to title this 'Retcon'. I'm keeping it for ( Read more... )

ch: steph, fandom: dc comics, batfamily, gen, robin, ch: jason, batman, fic, ch: pre-crisis jay, terrific table of robins

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Comments 8

elenorasweet April 2 2009, 00:52:21 UTC
*grin* I love how she doesn't explicitly ask him who he is, but has an inkling of it anyway. Blond roots, yay! ^___^

The 'I Spy With Batman' contemplation was adorable, and Jason makes me want to hug him.


runespoor7 April 2 2009, 12:18:54 UTC
Steph hasn't spent as long as Tim meta-ing on what it means to be Robin, but she's got an idea of how the legacy works.

In my personal fanon, Dick totally played 'I Spy' with Batman at the beginning of his Robin-hood. *nodnod* Pre-Crisis Jay makes alllllll the hurt go away. Trufax!


anthraciteowl April 2 2009, 02:55:10 UTC
Jason! With real smiles and blond roots and everything! *insert incoherent yet appreciative noises here*

I really liked Steph's pride in her uppercut and her visions of playing I Spy with Batman.


runespoor7 April 2 2009, 12:21:33 UTC
Yay incoherence! That was my first time writing Pre-Crisis Jay, I'm glad you liked him.

That uppercut got noticed by Batman, I'm thinking it must be pretty special. She's right to be proud! :D


shiny_glor_chan April 2 2009, 05:25:09 UTC
*squeally* Awww, Pre-Crisis Jay is so lovely. So happy, even. That was wonderful. Steph teaching him an uppercut! Aww! <3


runespoor7 April 2 2009, 12:42:11 UTC
I have a fierce and indomitable love for Pre-Crisis Jay. He's so full of 'awww' and 'yay' and 'YES!'

And I wanted so badly to have Robin-Spirit!Jay ask Steph to teach him something. It makes me laugh because it really shows that for Bats training never stops, but I also wanted her to be sure that she'd brought something to the legacy.


katarik April 4 2009, 22:32:35 UTC
Plus they were boys and that pretty much always makes a difference. What she means, there's more than one reason why the Spoiler suit covered as much of her skin as it could.

I am a little bit in love with this paragraph right here. Because that's perfect Steph, given the revelation of ROBIN 111, and the voice is her, too.

I am, however, *more* in love with PRE-CRISIS JAY YES EEEEEEEEEEEEE. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Oh, he's perfect, the *practiced* smiles that are still genuine, and the business-like tone at the end, and the roots!

I have so much love for this story it isn't even *funny*.


runespoor7 April 5 2009, 21:17:56 UTC
All the Bats have eminently sensible costumes once you get the first Robin suit, and I think a teenage girl with Stepg's history and no special powers would take all of it into account.

PRE-CRISIS JAY IS <3333333333 I'm so glad I found the right tone with him. Robins talking shop. Jay using the patented smile-for-Batman #27.

:D Thanks, your review made my day!


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