[DC] Turning up the Turbo

Sep 29, 2012 07:31

Title: Turning up the Turbo
Pairing: Bruce/Steph
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Steph and Bruce bond over Steph's persevering wish to drive the Batmobile.
Notes: takes place when Steph is Robin. I think the summary, in that context, is its own warning. (am I kicked out of the fandom yet?)

Stephanie makes no secret of liking the car. )

ch: steph, fandom: dc comics, cliché: cars, ship: bruce/steph, ch: bruce, fic

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Comments 8

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runespoor7 October 3 2012, 08:48:34 UTC
Thank you! I'm very fond of the partnership between Bruce and Steph, it's very layered. They could have been awesome as Batman and Robin, and I'm glad it worked for you.


eternal_moonie September 29 2012, 11:54:27 UTC
Absolutely AWESOME story! Love Steph!!


runespoor7 October 3 2012, 08:45:05 UTC
Glad you liked!


silveronthetree September 29 2012, 14:53:19 UTC
Oh Robin! Oh Bruce...

I love the fact that these things can never be about one Robin and I adore Bruce's description of the splendidly useless acrobatics seen over the years.

My favourite thing was the difference between Steph in her workout clothes and Robin's way of training and fighting. Bruce is so attuned to those things.

Also (am I kicked out of the fandom yet?

This made me giggle really inappropriately. It's DC fandom. It broke ALL my rules.)


runespoor7 October 3 2012, 08:44:47 UTC
I was doing so well at keeping Jason out of it too (except for the Case, but the Case has to be there always)! Being Robin absolutely gives Steph magic: I had her say "courage", because she wouldn't say "magic", but "magic" was what I meant. (Oh Robin oh Bruce sounds accurate.)

Thanks for the comment and the rec!


silveronthetree October 3 2012, 11:38:28 UTC
I did notice that there was FAR less Jason than usual! Robins are magic but you are right, Steph (and Tim and Damian) would never say that.


musesfool October 3 2012, 01:48:36 UTC
Mmm. Yes. I liked this.


runespoor7 October 3 2012, 08:49:38 UTC


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