
Sep 27, 2012 14:53

Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I will give you 1-3 sentences from or about it.

This entry was originally posted at http://runespoor.dreamwidth.org/130660.html. There are
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Comments 12

gehayi September 27 2012, 16:45:17 UTC
I love that crossover of yours where Cassandra Cain meets Anthy and they get catapulted in the past.


q99 September 28 2012, 08:48:06 UTC
I love the sequel where they get married


runespoor7 September 28 2012, 15:44:07 UTC
rules of engagementThe sword rests on the ground between them, where Cass put it down. She’s huddled back now, her shoulders hunched in a way that make her look younger, and it’s clear she’s not going to come any closer ( ... )


q99 September 29 2012, 00:40:47 UTC
Nice :D


moetushie September 27 2012, 18:22:10 UTC
The one about Jason Todd, the dead/alive boy.

(I.E. Bruce's more creepy Jason fantasies.)


runespoor7 September 28 2012, 12:34:23 UTC
warnings: disturbing imagery.

It’s a dream. Bruce knows it’s a dream because Jason is standing in front of him.


It’s a dream; Jason smiles and kisses him. (Only in a dream.)

Because it’s a dream, Bruce doesn’t-Bruce kisses him back.

He has his eyes closed, and Jason’s hand slips behind his neck, pulling his head down. Jason hums in his mouth, and Bruce’s hand clenches on - there’s only skin where the tunic should be.

“I left the costume downstairs,” Jason says, when he breaks the kiss.

It’s dream logic, so Bruce accepts the answer.

Jason’s hand brushes down Bruce’s chest, undoing the buttons of the pajama vest. The movement catches Bruce’s eye, and he looks down just as Jason’s skeleton hand slides into the open shirt.

Bruce’s eyes flick up to Jason’s face again. The shadows cast a domino shape across his eyes.

“Kiss me again,” Jason demands.

Jason’s teeth are as cool against Bruce’s tongue as the bones of his fingers on Bruce’s skin.


moetushie September 29 2012, 01:15:26 UTC

I love it.


runespoor7 October 3 2012, 08:30:54 UTC
Bruce has the creepiest wet dreams. Seriously, man. Babs and Tim are side-eyeing you.


redbrunja September 28 2012, 23:43:33 UTC
Young Justice - M'gann and Artemis bonding, please.


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