[DC] Committing Fornication

Feb 07, 2012 17:27

Title: Committing Fornication
Ship: Dick/Tim/Steph
Rating: NC-17
Summary: I wrote tentacle fic. Shame is a thing of the past. (porn battle, prompts: tentacles, identity, Robin, smooth)
Notes: this is very much for rubynye because the fic she wrote in DC fandom made (makes) me happy.

Post-OYL setting of a War Games AU where Steph really did die. ( ( Read more... )

cliché: tentacles, ch: steph, ch: tim, fandom: dc comics, ch: dick, ship: dick/tim/steph, fic

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Comments 5

miki_moo February 8 2012, 15:32:22 UTC
This was hot and perfect!


runespoor7 February 13 2012, 08:52:00 UTC


Comment assembled upon rereading, in real time rubynye February 10 2012, 14:18:06 UTC

I continue to love the in media res beginning. And Robinly analysis during sex.

Babs (Slade)

Steph makes a frustrated sound. "Boyfriend Wonder, focus!"
You tell 'im!

She does, and the world moves, or it may just been Tim shuddering against him, not that Dick can perceive much of a difference.

SO GORGEOUS. And I must briefly pause in quoting before I quote THE WHOLE THING. Oh, the gloriousness of them all, how themselves they are! The characterization is so impeccably accurate it makes the sex even hotter.

"God, Robin, please," Tim chokes.


Steph's collapsed on them, and they're half-laying, half-sprawling into a tangle at the foot of a benevolent-looking gargoyle.

Would that I could draw!

This is... I will have to put a link to this on Play For Mortal Stakes. This evokes the same delicious Robinly joy I tried for there. Now with TENTACLES.

Eee, brighteyes, thank you! So very very much!


re_white February 10 2012, 22:00:54 UTC
Nng. This is perfect and beautiful. Thanks for it writing and sharing it.


runespoor7 February 13 2012, 08:52:39 UTC
I'm glad you like. Thank you for letting me know!


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