[DC] For I have sinned

Dec 05, 2011 15:26

Title: For I have sinned
Pairing: Bruce/Jason
Rating: PG-13
Warning: mention of past Batman/Robin stuff that some readers may find disturbing.
Summary: Emotionally fraught conversations only happen, like love, when Bruce falls into them, unavoidably.
Notes: for moetushie’s prompt “DCU, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, we are the sons of no one”.

Red Hood's tinny laugh rings in his ear, courtesy of the earpiece Jason made sure to leave behind. )

fandom: dc comics, ch: jason, 3sentence, ch: bruce, ship: bruce/jason, fic

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Comments 4

saavikam77 December 5 2011, 15:33:20 UTC
*wibble* ;_;

Poor boys. Gods, so much pain and anger and pent-up frustration.



runespoor7 December 6 2011, 15:07:20 UTC
Yeah. Jason likes to talk about things, because it makes the hurt sharper. :/

Thank you!


ultra_maniac December 6 2011, 03:18:43 UTC
I like this. It's very good in a bitter, realistic sort of way. Bruce would never stop trying and I like that he flounders through his emotions when it comes to Jason. It makes it that much more real to me~ Nice work!


runespoor7 December 6 2011, 15:11:00 UTC
he flounders through his emotions when it comes to Jason
Yes. He tries, it's just... it never works. Between their communication issues and the killing/no-killing deal...

Thanks! :D


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