[DC] Those things don't just fade away

Oct 29, 2011 01:50

Title: Those things don't just fade away
Characters: Jason, Alfred (Steph)
Rating: PG
Summary: "Fuck the tea, there's a ghost in your kitchen."
Notes: Title and inspiration from “The Delusions of Alfred Pennyworth” (helpful scans here), again. AU around Under the Hood, AU of War Games (Steph died).

Alfred barely pauses at Jason's cursing. )

ch: alfred, ch: steph, gen, shippy parading as gen, ch: jason, fic

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Comments 8

matt_doyle October 29 2011, 03:00:05 UTC
Oooh. I like it, even though the thought of Steph as a ghost breaks my heart.


runespoor7 October 29 2011, 09:24:57 UTC
In my head she gets resurrected later on. Cake + eating it! Glad you like!


cat_13145 October 29 2011, 05:58:29 UTC
Hugs Alfred and Jason. Ghost Stephanie and Ghost Jason together would be interesting. Love Alfred still has Jason for tea.


runespoor7 October 29 2011, 09:39:00 UTC
Undead helper monkey Robins together would be... interesting probably is the best word for it.

Look, Jason may have become a murderer and committed aggravated battery on the person of a family member, but he's still part of the family. What he needs is a good talking-to to reassure him of his importance; a chance to stop killing people, as Alfred has many doubts that Bruce will involve the police against Jason.


cat_13145 October 29 2011, 13:21:20 UTC
Given the Robins in question...yes interesting probably fits best.
And yeah, Alfred will always keep trying to reach out to his family, even when everyone else has given up (in my head, he had Jason for tea on Tuesday, Clark on Wednesday and who ever Bruce has fallen out with this week on Thursday, though there are exceptions)


runespoor7 October 29 2011, 15:03:20 UTC
To make this work, I choose to believe that Bruce was occupied elsewhere. Maybe with OMAC, or with the Crisis of the moment: something vast, urgent, world-endangering and non-family-related. So there's no risk of Bruce and Jason running into one another while Alfred is trying to talk Jason into coming back, and no risk of Jason going into "Bruce loves Dick more than me" mode if Bruce was busy with, say, Blüdhaven.

who ever Bruce has fallen out with this week on Thursday
He tried calling Babs, but Babs was in a distrusting period of her own.


malkavianlove October 29 2011, 14:35:57 UTC
Perfectly done. It's exactly what I hoped for with the theme. Sad and wonderful.


runespoor7 October 29 2011, 15:05:51 UTC
Thank you! I started writing, and I realized it was also a reply to your prompt of Wayne Manor being haunted in different ways, so...

I tried to hit a balance between humor and angst. It could've easily gone overboard one way or another, so I'm glad you liked it.


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