[DC] Advancement Strategies

Oct 14, 2011 16:57

Title: Advancement Strategies
Characters/Pairing: Helena, Jason (mentions Bruce/Jason as well as various other Bat-issues pairings.)
Rating: PG
Summary: “So what did you do to get welcomed in?”
Notes: Whatboot cracky futurefic.

...I slept with Nightwing, once. )

ch: huntress, fandom: dc comics, gen, ch: jason, fic

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Comments 10

etrangere October 14 2011, 21:13:45 UTC
heh. Fun.


runespoor7 October 15 2011, 07:14:22 UTC
It was fun to write, too. :)


malkavianlove October 14 2011, 23:26:41 UTC
Awesome, those two would make great partners who would hospitalize many criminals.


runespoor7 October 15 2011, 07:13:07 UTC
I prefer to think of it as a one-time operation. They don't have the same style and I think Jason would get on Helena's nerves.


saavikam77 October 15 2011, 02:50:17 UTC
*cracks up* XD

Too perfect. I love how easily Jay throws Helena off her game by admitting to sleeping with Bruce.

*applauds* :D


runespoor7 October 15 2011, 07:22:12 UTC
They don't mention these things. Plus Helena has her own issues which make taking Jason seriously there difficult: first off, "sleeping with the boss"; second, after everything he's done, it was just a question of falling into bed with Batman to solve his problems?; third, Helena is perfectly aware how the opposite of easy it is to get Bruce to have sex with someone in the family.

On the other hand, it also got her thinking, maybe her occasional fantasising about Babs isn't so fruitless after all.

Thank you!


oximore October 18 2011, 22:13:09 UTC
Oh, I liked the flow of this!

"She shoots him a look. Midway between 'the memo that says we don't mention these things, did you miss it' and 'how do you possibly need to ask'."


"“Slept with the boss,” Jason says, succinct and nonchalant."

This win everything. Those two would be epic.


runespoor7 October 24 2011, 11:46:11 UTC
The more Jason speaks, the more Helena is reminded why she only deals with the boys of the family in small amounts. Of course, when Jason's alone with her, he's less inclined to the obnoxious posturing that creates ~drama~ but still. Some things even Helena would be fine if they weren't discussed.


silveronthetree October 23 2011, 18:23:44 UTC
“That and the fact I could tell I reminded him of someone else,” she adds.

“Was it Babs or Bruce?”

She shoots him a look. Midway between 'the memo that says we don't mention these things, did you miss it' and 'how do you possibly need to ask'.

Oh, fantastic! I love the fact that they are having this conversation.


runespoor7 October 24 2011, 11:43:07 UTC
Someone should have that conversation, really, and only Jason and Helena are shameless (Jason) or distant (Helena) enough for it. Babs is perfectly aware, but she wouldn't deal well with someone else commenting on the Bruce/Dick.


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