smut without prose

Jul 30, 2008 20:05

Strawberry #17. Buttons with a Cherry and Pocky
Rating : heavy PG to light R?
Timeframe : dunno - somewhere between 1256 to 1259

Lyssa would like to remind everyone that Rune is hers and anyone else who wants to see him get it on with her sister is going to get a sword up their- Thank you, Lyssa, that will do.

I wanted to do full blown smut for Lyssa, I might still flesh it out, but the idea of this just amused me.

“Must everything you own have buttons on it?”

“I thought you liked them.”

“They rather lose their charm when I’m in a hurry.”

“Well, I’m sorry that- Hey! That’s not going to - Ouch!”

“Stop complaining, it’s off now.”

“You didn’t have to- Oh, Lyssa!”



“And this?”

“Mmm- Hold on, I think I hear someone coming. Lyssa, please. Lyssa!”

“I think I hear someone leaving.”

“Lyssa! I am not looking forward to explaining this later.”

“At least we don’t need to hurry anymore.”

“Right. Thanks.”

[extra] pocky, [challenge] strawberry, [topping] cherry, [author] shayna

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