The Rune/Ski Business - Part Three (the censored version)

Jul 29, 2008 17:10

Chocolate #15. Passion
Rating : R
Timeframe : same as previous

This is the censored version of the previous (no need to read if you read the previous one)

Neither said a word as they retraced their path through the city. They passed no one on the lamp lit streets between the market and the palace. Ski wound her fingers through Rune’s but made no other move to touch him. Her eyes kept to the path before them. The occasional glance his way that she dared to allow herself told her he did the same.

Before long they found themselves at the gate. Ski flashed her silver pin and the guard admitted them without question. The stony halls were no less deserted, but she slipped her hand from his for fear of being seen. He frowned as she broke contact, but still said nothing.

They reached her room all too soon. Ski stopped with her back to the door. She expected Rune would wish her goodnight and cross the hall, but there was that look again. Obviously, the last thing he wanted to do was walk away. She told herself she wished he would. Nothing could come of continuing this. She was meant to spend the rest of her life learning to tolerate the touch of a man she could barely stand to be in the same room with, not in the arms of her best friend.

Rune stared at her in silence, as if he could caress her with just a look. His eyes were wide and lit from deep within by something more than the pale glow from the distant window that just barely kept the hall from slipping into total darkness. She felt a pang in the pit of her stomach as she stared back. What was the sense in getting lost in those eyes when she knew she couldn’t stay there, she asked herself, though she wondered if she could escape them even if she wanted to.

His lips were parted just in the slightest and she studied their virtually imperceptible movement with each breath he drew, wanting desperately to taste them again. She licked her own, suddenly very dry, lips and tried in vain to pry her gaze from his face.

Ski wasn’t sure how it happened, who made the first move, or if it really mattered, but she found herself stretched up on her toes, pressing her lips to his. She caught his cheeks in her hands and held him fast, drinking him in as the twinge in her stomach swelled into a burning wave of overwhelming intensity.

Rune’s hands settled, at first, on her waist. In the privacy of the still, dark corridor, he was quick to let them stray. He’d laid hands on her wounds more times than she could count, until the feel of them was nearly as familiar to her as that of her own. Now those hands that she knew so well sent fire and chills through every part of her body they explored.

The moan that escaped her lips into his startled her even more than his touch. The sound seemed only to encourage him and she made no move to stifle the next as it rose in her throat. She thrust a hand behind her to grope for the doorknob.

Rune’s lips drifted to Ski’s neck and her fingers closed around metal as those of her other hand wound themselves through his hair. His mouth clamped down on her flesh and she let out another moan at the unexpected caress of his tongue. Careful not to dislodge him from her neck, she gave her head a twist and nipped at his ear.

He gave a muffled groan as she caught the lobe between her lips and Ski fell back on her heels, colliding with the door, which gave way with a loud click as she jerked the knob. In a tangled assortment of roaming hands and trembling legs, the two staggered into the dark room. Ski gave the open door a shove as they passed and it snapped shut in their wake.

[challenge] chocolate, [author] shayna

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