not all heroes can hold their liquor

May 23, 2008 04:42

Strawberry #30. Pillow
Rating : G
Timeframe : summer 1260

Rune gave the curtains a tug and the bright morning sun filled the room. He turned and shook his head as the covers shifted and the form curled beneath them crept closer to the foot of the bed.

He moved to the dresser, yanked open a drawer and started rummaging through its contents. Muffled grumbles and groans escaped the bed. It wasn’t exactly necessary, he supposed, to be making such a racket. There were easier ways to wake her, but none seemed as satisfying at the moment.

“You know we’re expected at a meeting in less than an hour,” he said, fishing a clean shirt out of the drawer.

The response vaguely sounded like, “I’m not going.”

“Yes, I’m sure it will go over quite well when I tell everyone you’re too hungover to show up.” He tugged the shirt over his head and searched the floor for his shoes. “I’m sure your mother will be especially appreciative.”

A hand shot up from under the covers, aiming a rude gesture his way.

“Shall I pass that message along as well?”

A pillow flew at him. Rune dodged, letting it hit the doorframe with a soft thud, before proceeding into the hall. Lyssa might not be of much use at the meeting, but she certainly wouldn’t miss it now.

[challenge] strawberry, [author] shayna

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