Cherry Chocolate Chip #26, Poached pear #22, Toasted Almond #27

Jun 18, 2017 15:25

Author: winebabe
Title: Raise Me Up
Story: The Gemini Occurrence
Rating: PG-13 (Vague sex mention, inappropriate adult/teenager relationship dynamics)
Flavor(s): Cherry Chocolate Chip #26: stress; Poached Pear #22: older & wiser; Toasted Almond #27: no strings
Topping(s)/Extra(s): Butterscotch.
Word Count: 2,247
Summary: 1995. The cycle begins with 16 year ( Read more... )

[challenge] poached pear, [challenge] toasted almond, [challenge] cherry chocolate chip, [topping] butterscotch, [author] winebabe

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Comments 2

lost_spook June 19 2017, 09:19:59 UTC
I'm enjoying getting to see some of the backstory! And a new person to feel sorry for, as ever, of course...


winebabe June 19 2017, 18:01:39 UTC
Thank you! When I started writing this, I was like "I feel like lost_spook!" lol

And ugh, I know. One day, I'll write a character that nobody feels sorry for! Hopefully.


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