Prune 29, Cookies & Cream 15 [Divide and Rule]

Jan 04, 2017 21:06

Title: When the Clock Strikes Twelve
Author: lost_spook
Story: Heroes of the Revolution (Divide & Rule)
Flavor(s): Prune #29 (I’ll get you for this), Cookies & Cream #15 (throw)
Toppings/Extras: None.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3486
Notes: May 1950; Edward Iveson/Julia Graves, Diana Foyle, Stephen Foyle.
Summary: Sometimes Julia wishes Edward would approach ( Read more... )

[challenge] cookies n cream, [challenge] prune, [author] lost_spook

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Comments 4

winebabe January 15 2017, 18:27:51 UTC
She’d think in panic that they should keep it all secret, hide it from the rest of the world, before the spell broke and everything fell back into ashes. Letting everyone else see was only asking for somebody to take it all away.

Such a sad thought! Oh, Julia. But after that, it was a lovely piece! :)


lost_spook January 17 2017, 20:38:51 UTC
Thank you! <3


oonaseckar February 4 2017, 14:12:56 UTC
Oh, bad Ned.

'“He just stores up information and approaches the whole thing as if it’s a covert operation.' Edward is a spy in the house of love!

You know, if you've seen Catastrophe at all (excellent, well worth the time investment and the boxsets are available free on All4) then Rob rather reminds me of Edward. And Sharon even a little bit of Julia - she does shout at Rob a bit and then feel awful, quite often. And the whole thing's about a very sudden marriage between practically strangers, although for very different reasons than here. So you see!

And Diana thinks fancy dress isn't too much of a fuss? These Foyles, I dunno... Plus, all those pins, ow.

They're very sweet. And Edward is the most romantic being who considers himself not capable of romance, ever. And also, knowing how it all ends, oh dear, oh hell.


lost_spook February 6 2017, 20:55:38 UTC
Aw, thank you! And, well, getting everyone else to sort their own entertainment as opposed making everyone play games or something? I don't know. ;-)

Clearly I'll have to look out for Catastrophe some time, then!


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