Title: Autumn’s Outing
Heroes of the Revolution (Divide & Rule)Flavor(s): Sea Salt #1 (ocean/sea), Chocolate #25 (inspiration), Papaya #5 (I told you so)
Toppings/Extras: Malt - Ghosts of the Past 5 (a lost love); My Treat - a vacation to the seaside
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 3364
Notes: Sept. 1938; Edward Iveson/Marie Werner. (It
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Comments 2
“No, no,” said Edward, becoming misleadingly solemn. “It isn’t at all the same unless you have to have at least one picnic on the beach in the rain.”
How very...English. XD
How very...English. XD
I'm not channeling any childhood memories at all here, no. :loL: (I suspect it's not so much English/British as just that we get plenty of rain; I'm sure other people have their own variantions on the "we're on holiday so we're going to have fun if it kills us". My family just always went in for the picnics where we forgot half the food, trying to pretend in photos that there wasn't a gale and building sandcastles on the beach in the rain.)
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