Title: Shadows on the Wall
Heroes of the Revolution (Divide & Rule)Flavor(s): White Chocolate #21 (whimsy)
Toppings/Extras: Whipped Cream + Rainbow Sprinkles + Fresh Fruit: Peaches (“Today begins ten days of intuitive rapport. People tend to know what others are thinking without anything being said when Jupiter opposes Neptune. Don
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Comments 3
I was glad to finally hear from Hanne, I'd been wondering what she was like. And to hear Elizabeth's take on everything. I've been really wondering about what all went on with Elizabeth and her second husband...
I was glad to finally hear from Hanne, I'd been wondering what she was like. And to hear Elizabeth's take on everything. I've been really wondering about what all went on with Elizabeth and her second husband...
Oh, thank you! I'm so glad to hear that. I thought I might by now just be trying people's patience. There was meant to be a Butterscotch piece where Hanne and Elizabeth met (and it might even include Edward and Julia's respective fathers) but I got stuck on it (though only temporarily, I hope). And also hopefully there will be a piece that will explain what happened with Elizabeth and Hugh Taylor, because it is kind of complicated.
Ooooh, yay! I look forward to them! (Or, really, anything, but I'm such a sucker for extreme backstory, so to speak...)
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