(no subject)

Jul 07, 2008 20:37

Pistachio #11. Argument with hot fudge
Rating : PG-ish
Timeframe : spring 1258

EDIT (2/22/09) : This was one of the first bits from this timeframe I wrote. The characters have more fully developed and the situation, as it was, was no longer valid. Thankfully, I have an awesome husband who knows my characters quite well, and liked this piece and was determined not to let it be removed. A few minor edits and the context is changed, though the underlying meaning still holds. (See the comments for the old version and the edits Marty helped make)

Kairn swept into the room, ready for a fight, a little disappointed to find his friend casually bent over a book.


He didn’t even blink at the tone he was sure carried more than enough of his anger. Determined not to fold to the brick wall who sat, idly turning pages, before him, he pressed on. “Why am I hearing that Kinu caught you with Shasa?”

Slender fingers continued to travel the edges of the book, though he was clearly no longer reading the text. “Since when do you give any merit to what Kinu has to say?”

“It’s not what I think that worries me.”

“Since when does anyone else listen to him either?” he said, with as much concern as if Kairn had just accused the man of calling him by some petty name.

“They wouldn’t care if he was blind. They’re so petrified of even the thought.” His hands flailed at the empty air between them. He stopped abruptly, hands curling into fists as he looked to his friend with narrowed eyes. “You dismiss, but you don’t deny.”

“Would you believe me if I did?” Now it was Kairn’s turn for silence as he wondered whether he might have put an end to the whole matter had he only voiced his suspicions sooner. “Relax,” he said in that silky tone of his. “I mean your sister no harm. I was only teaching her some forms.”

"Right," said Kairn. "And just why have you taken it upon yourself to teach my sister necromancy?"

"Because she has," the corner of Sethan’s mouth gave a twitch, "talent."

“This isn’t funny.” Kairn slammed the book shut, then, instantly regretting the gesture, quickly withdrew. “If anyone thinks for even a second… They’ll kill her.”

Those bright blue eyes betrayed no emotion, but at least they were finally turned his way. “I will not allow that to happen.”

“They fear the prophecy more than they fear you.” The sound that Sethan gave in return may have simply been a breath or it may have been laughter. “If you care at all for her, you’ll leave her alone.” No response. “If you care at all for me, you’ll leave her alone.”

That won him a full grin. “Relax,” he said again, cold fingers curling over Kairn’s arm as he rose from his seat. “No harm will come to her.” He gave his arm a pat, as one might a child in need of comfort, and slipped past him.

“Why Shasa?” he asked meekly, as Sethan headed for the door.

“Why not?” came the casual response.

Kairn clenched his fists and held his tongue, not daring even to look after him, as the footsteps receded.

[challenge] pistachio, [topping] hot fudge, [author] shayna

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