Green Cheese #26 + cherry + chopped nuts + banana

Mar 07, 2011 13:41

Story: Blaze Mafia Family
Title: New Palermo Space Station
Prompts: Green Cheese #26: space station + cherry (diagram) + chopped nuts + banana
Rating: PG13
Characters: New Palermo Space Station
Summary: Mobsters in Space! I'm starting up the Green Cheese flavor so I force myself to keep writing this AU because it is going to be a lot of fun! As such, I needed to get the technical details about the New Palermo Space Station on paper, so why not post them as well? The contents of the biodome in the picture are by no means representative of the actual city layout, it just needed some stuff in it. XD Also, Viceriene is the female form of Viceroy.

General Information
Size: 30km (18.6mi) diameter
Established: 3267 c.e.
Location: Hominine System
Current Vicerroyal: Viceriene Firebird Blaze
Total Population: 5.9 million
          Residents: 3.5 million
          Tourists: 1.4 million
          Steward Droids: 500,000
          Blaze Mafia Members: 198

New Palermo Biodome
     • City of New Palermo
     • Necklace Transit
     • Achille Lake
Control Floor
     • Blaze Complex (Access Restricted)
     • Station Control Bridge
     • Biodome Control Room
     • Droid Maintenance
     • Station Security
     • Confinement Cells
     • Storage
     • Docking bay for all visiting ships
     • Docking bay for Station Defense Ships
     • Ship Mechanics
Lower Market “Hell”
     • Black Market
     • Temporary and permanent accomodations for beings not suitable for New Palermo
     • Casinos, bars, brothels, and other low class entertainment
Station Engineering
     • Energy Core Control
     • Engine Room
     • Station Defense System Hardware

Additional Details**

The New Palermo Space Station is a Class One station established 253 years ago by Achille Blaze. In one of the longest running family empires, the Blaze Family continues to have full control over the station and the city of New Palermo.

New Palermo Station is situated at the edge of the Hominine System adjacent to the Mateale Sovereignty and the Pushra System. It acts as the largest port station in the area for three square parsecs, a popular tourist attraction, and has been widely recognized as one of the most desirable places to raise a family, regardless of species. The city of New Palermo stands apart from any other space station city for numerous reasons including, but by no means limited to, terraforming biodome that simulates physical conditions similar to the planet Earth (human) pre-nuclear war, a sparse population density, and the Blaze Family’s tight control over market conditions so that small businesses dominate over the limited corporate presence.

The Blaze Family has continually denied the existence of a lower market where smugglers, thieves, murderers, and other degenerate criminals congregate to buy and sell illegal items and services. The Galactic Policing System also has no evidence on record of such a market existing on the New Palermo Space Station.

**All information generously provided by the Blaze Family and approved for galaxy-wide distribution by Viceriene Firebird Blaze.

[challenge] green cheese, [topping] chopped nuts, [extra] banana, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [topping] cherry

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