Gingerbread #16, Pistachio #5, Carob #18 + whipped cream

Feb 23, 2011 09:43

Story: Blaze Mafia Family
Title: The Price of Hair
Prompts: Gingerbread #16: let down your hair, Pistachio #5: punishment, Carob #18: offense + whipped cream
Rating: PG
Characters: Firebird Blaze, Atlas Blaze
Summary: I’m going to try and do pistachio as a whipped cream sundae so we’ll see how it works out. Even as a six year old, Firebird did not tolerate disrespectful people. Don’t worry though, she didn’t kill him. XDDD

All it took was one glance at Firebird’s face and Atlas dropped his work to give his daughter his full attention. Her dark glare proclaimed to the world that the princess was displeased and life would not be pleasant for anyone until she was made happy again. “What’s wrong, baby girl? Did something happen at school...”

Atlas faded off as he realized that his daughter was looking...lopsided. It took a second for him to figure out what was wrong. Paloma had braided Firebird’s long dark hair into two pigtails this morning but now only the left one was intact. “What happened to your hair?!”

“Kyle Winslow cut my braid during arts and crafts,” Firebird said. Her tone was darker than any six year old’s voice should be. “Then he made fun of me all during recess and pulled on my other braid.”

“Winslow? Do you know who his parents are?” Atlas asked, furious. He couldn’t beat up the kid but he was more than willing to force a few choice parenting tips down Kyle’s father’s throat.

Firebird shook her head. “I just wanted to tell you because I’m going to get in trouble tomorrow.”

That made Atlas pause. He asked carefully, “Why are you going to get in trouble tomorrow?”

Firebird’s hands tightened into fists around the straps of her bright pink backpack. “Because that’s when they’ll find him.”

[challenge] gingerbread, [topping] whipped cream, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [challenge] carob, [challenge] pistachio

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