Mango #14, Candy Apple #15, FotD: inkhorn

Feb 21, 2011 23:20

Story: Blaze Mafia Family
Title: Field Trip
Prompts: Mango #14: out of my way, Candy Apple #15: tail/horn/tentacles, etc. (fins), FotD: inkhorn (affectedly or ostentatiously learned; pedantic)
Rating: PG
Characters: Firebird Blaze, Edan Blaze, Marco de Luca, Paul Robinson, Emmitt Skolnik
Summary: This takes place soon after Peter’s Revenge. Edan and Marco have been MIA for a little while, but they’re back for a trip to the grand opening of the New Palermo Aquarium.

Firebird watched Edan warily step up to the stingray tank with amusement. He wasn’t too sure about the idea of reaching into the water and touching one of the stingrays that swam in the large pool, but he was intent on doing it because Marco already was already leaning over the railing with both hands in.

“Stop being a baby and touch them!” Marco said, a thrilled grin dampening the sting of his insult. It had been a bit of a surprise when Edan had tugged Marco over to Firebird to ask if he could come to the new city aquarium with them. The idea of going on an outing with the child of Peter de Luca had interested her so she’d agreed on the condition that Marco asked his mother. What had been even more interesting was that not only had Willow de Luca given her permission, she’d also promised to keep Marco’s time with the enemy a secret from her husband. Firebird was learning a great many things about Peter’s home life today.

Edan turned back to Firebird. “Do they bite?”

“They wouldn’t let people put their hands in the water with them if the stingrays could bite them,” Firebird said. She didn’t know if that was necessarily true, what the hell did she know about stingrays after all? But her logic was sound and no one else around the pool was bleeding out so she considered it a calculated risk.

Edan nodded, taking his sister’s word for it as he always did. “Come touch them too!”

Firebird considered first her manicure then the water that contained god knows what. Stingray shit for one thing, and whatever the hell was on all these other people’s hands. “Alright.”

With that, Edan finally worked up the nerve to sidle up to Marco and put his hands in the water. Firebird was about to take the free spot on the other side of Marco when a man to her left caught her eye. She immediately recognized Dr. Emmitt Skolnik, the head of the aquarium and a bigger pain in her ass than she usually tolerated. Dr. Skolnik had delusions of grandeur that Firebird imagined relieve him of on many occasions, but he was really just a harmless old windbag not worth killing. He felt that he had the right to ask the Family for exorbitant amounts of money every time he came within ten feet of a Blaze and Firebird was sure that now was no exception, though what he could possibly want money for now was beyond her. She’d given half again her original very generous grant to build the aquarium to the highest standards and bringing in the most exotic creatures. She couldn't think of anything else that he could possibly want at this point short of funding a project to teach the sea turtles to tap dance.

“Ms. Blaze! It’s so wonderful to see you here on opening day,” Dr. Skolnik gushed. “I would have greeted you at the entrance myself if I’d known you were coming.”

That was exactly why she hadn't told him. “I wouldn’t wish to disturb your work, Dr. Skolnik,” Firebird said in a deceptively kind tone. “I’m simply one of the crowd today.”

“Nonsense. The woman that funded over half of this wonderful place could never be ‘one of the crowd’.” Dr. Skolnik stepped closer. “Though, Ms. Blaze, there was something that I wished to speak to you about concerning the cephalopods. There are a series of remarkable ammonite fossils being excavated as we speak that I feel would not only complete the cephalopod exhibit but also take this establishment to new levels of respectability among the academic population.”

Firebird had no idea what on earth an ammonite was or why the aquarium’s reputation was dependent on it, and she felt that her life would continue to be a fulfilling one without that knowledge.

“As always, I’m eager to consider to any proposals you might have...but you’ll excuse me if I must ask for you to make an appointment at a later date.” Firebird motioned over to Edan and Marco. “I’m here with my brother and his friend. I wouldn’t wish to rain on their parade by talking business during our trip.”

“Oh, of course!” Dr. Skolnik said, though Firebird noticed he did send a dark look the boys’ way. “I wouldn’t dream of keeping you during a family excursion. That’s what the aquarium was created for, after all! But perhaps I could take up just a moment of your time when you have finished your tour of the exhibits?”

“I’m afraid we have plans right after this,” Firebird lied smoothly. “Please feel free to give my office a call and we can make an appointment to meet and talk about your fossils.”

“Yes. Yes, of course. I’ll do that,” Dr. Skolnik said, obviously put out. “Please enjoy your visit, Ms. Blaze.”

“Good day, Doctor,” Firebird bowed her head in a short dismissal then went over to the stingray tank.

“The stingrays aren’t coming over here,” Edan informed her, relief and disappointment warring for dominance on his face.

“Should we go find another spot?” Firebird asked.

Edan jumped up. “I’ll do it!” And he ran off, circling the pool to find the best spot to get to the stingrays.

Marco made to go after Edan then paused, turning back to look at Firebird. Marco was antsy around her, not quite looking her in the eye and keeping his distance most of the time. She assumed his wary behavior was because his father had spoken about her and her Family around him. She waited patiently for Marco to decide whether he had the nerve to say what so obviously preying on his mind.

“Who was that guy you were talking to?” Marco finally asked.

Firebird raised an eyebrow. She hadn’t expected that. “Dr. Emmitt Skolnik. He runs the aquarium.”

“He was asking you for money.”

It shouldn’t have surprised her that Marco eavesdropped on her conversation. She’d learned with Edan that nine year old boys were notoriously curious creatures. Still, she was surprised that Marco would choose this topic to finally overcome his shyness of her. Surprised and intrigued.

Firebird pointed to one of the many information placards placed sporadically around the railing of the pool. Printed underneath all the interesting facts about the natural habitat of the stingrays was:

Exhibit made possible by generous donations from the Blaze Family.
 “My family helped fund this aquarium,” she explained. “Dr. Skolnik wanted to see if we would give him more money, as doctors usually do.”

“But why would a gangster...” Marco realized what he just said and shut up quickly, his eyes wide as saucers.

“Why would a gangster give away her money to an aquarium?” Firebird finished.

Marco flushed in embarrassment and looked down at his shoes. Firebird slid her fingers under Marco’s chin and lifted his gaze back up to hers. She leaned down and said in a low voice that wouldn’t carry, “I am a lot more than a simple gangster, Marco, no matter what your father says. He doesn’t know everything.”

Marco nodded slowly, still staring into her eyes. “My dad’s stupid.”

“He has his moments,” Firebird conceded, then straightened. “But, we have much more interesting things to do right now than talk about your father. Where’s Edan?”

As if on cue, Edan’s delighted laugh caught her attention. He was on the opposite side of the tank with both his hands in the pool as two stingrays passed right underneath his fingers. His grin was a mile wide as he called to them, “Come here quick! They’re so soft!”

[challenge] mango, [challenge] candy apple, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [challenge] flavor of the day

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