flavour of the day and butter pecan with chopped nuts and fresh peaches

Feb 10, 2011 16:09

Story: Timeless { backstory | index }
Title: Wrapped Up
Rating: G
Challenge: FOTD: daedal, Butter Pecan #15: silent
Toppings/Extras: chopped nuts, fresh peaches
Wordcount: 367
Summary: Victor Blackledge loves the tiniest details.
Notes: Vicbyn4eva-verse needs some love! I think you will see a lot of this AU as we approach Valentine's Day. Daedal: complex or ingenious in form of function; intricate. Peaches: aim for peaceful coexistence.

He started at the fingertips, because fingertips are such beautiful things. Lips pressed against them in a shadow of a kiss, he recalled each and every whorl on every one of her ten fingers, because the Remembering could be kind sometimes and today he was remembering just what he wanted to. He let his teeth gently scrape against them; smiled shyly.

Tilting his head, turning her arm, his lips roved smoothly up her exposed wrist, trying to feel the sanguineous beat underneath. His lashes drifted shut and he ran the tip and side of his nose over the warm, dry skin like a fawn.

Victor’s mind, as ever, was drawn to the idea of genetics. As he kissed further up her sinewy arm, he imagined all of the multitudinous cells of her body dotted with DNA; untwisting, unzipping like the back of a dress, the messenger ribonucleic acids slotting their bases into place, tweaking identical copies of Robyn’s perfect coding, sliding through nucleic pores and finding the ribosomes; to create, to grow, to function, to form. To make her into who she was, who she would always be. Every infinitesimal detail, every bit Robyn Walshe.

She smiled at him and put a hand on his face, drawing him to her; she kissed him just the way he liked her to. When he felt her tongue against his he felt like a sunburst was thundering out of his ribs. One of his hands fluttered to the back of her neck, the other pressed against the mattress of the bed.

The rest of the black ops department didn’t know that the two of them had been sharing a bed for the past few weeks, not that Victor would care if they did. It was nice. He buried his head into the pillow and pressed his cheek against her shoulder, eyes closed, duvet warm, wrapped up in love. He could sleep forever this way, tucked under Robyn’s arm.

Last night he’d told her that he wanted to be a guard dog, curled up next to her all night, keeping her safe. She had laughed her amazing laugh, shook her head at him and then told him to never, ever change. 

[topping] chopped nuts, [challenge] butter pecan, [inactive-author] ninablues, [extra] fresh fruit : peaches, [challenge] flavor of the day

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