flavour of the day and pistachio

Feb 07, 2011 16:30

Story: Timeless { backstory | index }
Title: Necessary
Rating: PG (language) 
Challenge: Pistachio #7: bath, FOTD: desideratum
Toppings/Extras: none
Wordcount: 433
Summary: Adele Merritt decides that Jacob Graham will wash.
Notes: I’ve written more about the arc on board the Kraken than anything else because of scenes like this! Desideratum: Something desired or considered necessary.

“Seriously, Graham, you stink,” Adele Merritt growled. She pointed a finger towards the door that separated most of the hotel room from its bathroom. “Get in there and have a fucking bath or I will be forced to…” She paused, pondering on some causes of action. Eventually, she settled on one. “I will be forced to kill you.”

“Captain,” Jacob Graham said, sounding not in the least put out about being called foul-smelling or the threat of death. His title mattered more. “You call Ashdown ‘Lord Ashdown’, can’t yer call me ‘Captain Graham’?”

“Lord Ashdown doesn’t smell like a sockful of dead animals,” Adele snapped. “Get in there.”

Jacob tugged his buccaneer’s jacket straight in a surprisingly dignified manner. Or perhaps he was just being mocking. With Jacob Graham, it was always impossible to tell.

“All right,” he said, raising his chin. “I will.”

“Would you like help washing?” Adele asked, arching an eyebrow suavely. “It seems obvious that you’re really not used to the concept of hygiene.”

Thick eyebrows rising in mirror of hers, Jacob glanced the business-suit clad woman up and down. She stood with her legs shoulder-width apart, sheer black tights sending strips of shine down the lines of her shins. Her professional, well-cut skirt was split to the thigh.

“All right, then,” he responded with a grin.

Adele tilted her head in the opposite direction. Her shining purple lips flipped into the smallest of smiles. She glanced over her shoulder towards Isaac Prowse.

“In you go,” she said.

He didn’t even look up from his fingernails.


For the first time, Adele’s lips split into a proper grin, revealing frighteningly white teeth. She backed away across the cramped corridor and lolled back against the cracked beige wall next to him. They were in a cheap portside hotel, the closest they could get to on short notice when Adele Merritt had finally snapped in regards to Jacob Graham’s personal hygiene. The Kraken was docked and receiving many strange looks.

Jacob rolled his eyes.

“Very funny. The things I do to please yer!”

“Wash. Now.”

Considering the fact that Jacob Graham seemed to think showers were some form of black magic, Adele felt that she had done a rather good job on getting him to wash. The door locked behind him and they heard the bath filling followed by a wild excess of splashing. Adele took the opportunity to slip her hand into Isaac’s and watch his usually stoic features slip into an embarrassed smile. She curled her hand inside his so that her fingernails scraped his palm.

Things were good. 

[inactive-author] ninablues, [challenge] pistachio, [challenge] flavor of the day

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