Candy Apple #14, Mango #3

Jan 31, 2011 23:18

Story: Blaze Mafia Family
Title: Delaying the Inevitable
Prompts: Candy Apple #14: belly/belly button, Mango #3: wait for me
Rating: PG
Characters: Eric “Mac” Mackenna, Lauren Mackenna, Soul Wade
Summary: Introducing Mac and his sweet wife, Lauren! Lauren is out of her element big time here, but I love her for trying and Mac does too. Mac’s 33 here and this is four years into Firebird’s reign.

“We don’t have to go in,” Mac said for the tenth time since they’d gotten in the car this morning. The drive from the Metroplex to New Palermo was quite a distance so Mac had had plenty of time to remember the million reasons why he should stay far away from his family. Those reasons had helped him limit the number of times he had to visit to just the biggest holidays. Unfortunately this was one of those times.

“We don’t have to,” Lauren agreed, setting her hand on top of Mac’s clenched fist on the arm rest. “But I would prefer it to sleeping in the car.”

Mac unclenched his fist and entwined his fingers with hers. Lauren was more understanding about Mac’s familial hang-ups than he knew he deserved. “Sorry, honey.”

“Don’t be. We’ll go in when you’re ready,” she said with a smile that flashed her dimples.

Mac’s countenance darkened as he glanced back up at the sprawling villa. “There’s no such thing as being ready for them. The best you can do is resignation.”

Lauren snorted. “You’re cute when you’re dramatic.”

His wife met his glare with a grin that softened him like it always did. Mac sighed and scrubbed his face with his hand. “Christ, I don’t want to do this. I hate seeing them. It never ends well. It doesn’t even start well. This whole Easter dinner is a farce and everyone knows it.”

“We do have another reason for seeing them this weekend.”

Mac didn’t need to be reminded. The other reason, which they’d only just found out this week was actually two reasons, was constantly on his mind. He automatically ran his gaze down to her stomach. Lauren had chosen a roomier spring dress to hide the beginnings of her baby bulge but he still knew that his children were growing there and it preyed at his mind nonstop.

The majority of the time the thought of having not one but two children sent him over the moon, but there were times like now when it filled him with dread. It was an absurd fear that was a throwback to a childhood he’d left behind almost two decades ago but he didn’t want his family to know about his kids. He didn’t want his family to know about anything good in his life. They’d only find a way to ruin it for him. Marie and Talos had turned ruining his life into an art form.

The unexpected knock on the car window made both of them jump. Mac stiffened and looked out the window, then relaxed but not all the way when he saw who it was.

“Dad wanted me to tell you to stop delaying the inevitable,” Soul said loud enough for Mac to hear through the car.

“Yeah,” Mac sighed.

Lauren fixed her hair quickly and shot him a reassuring smile. “Don’t be so worried. Your family is never as bad as you make them out to be.”

He gave her a look that told her exactly how wrong he thought she was then nodded. “I’m resigned. Let’s go.”

Mac stepped out of the car and hugged Soul. There was a seven year age gap between them but the fact that they were both Nicky Nail’s bastards had pushed them into a close relationship at a young age. Mac had watched over him and protected him as much as he could from Marie the Bitch at the dreaded Sunday dinners with the Real Kids. Soul was the only family member that Mac made any effort to keep in loose contact with and the only one that he didn’t mind seeing at these family gatherings. “Hey.”

Soul’s mouth tilted upwards a little, his version of a wildly enthusiastic greeting. “Hi.”

Lauren’s version of a wildly enthusiastic greeting was much more wildly enthusiastic. “Soul!” she cried and wrapped her half-brother-in-law in a tight hug. Lauren genuinely liked Soul; she was enchanted with his awkward candidness. Mac had never told her that Soul’s awkwardness stemmed from his sociopathy or what exactly his job with the Family was. Lauren was aware that the Blaze was a mafia family, it was impossible not to be, but she didn’t ask for details and Mac didn’t offer them.

Soul endured Lauren’s hug, even returning it a little which was a testament to his affection for her, then pulled away. He looked down at her, his eyebrows drawing together. “Your breasts are bigger.”

Lauren blinked in surprise then broke down into giggles. Mac wasn’t nearly as amused. He smacked his brother outside the head. “What the hell, Soul!”

Soul blinked. “I noticed her stomach’s bigger too, but you aren’t supposed to make comments about a woman’s weight gain.”

“You aren’t supposed to make comments about your sister-in-law’s rack either!”

Lauren contained her laughter enough to finally step in. “To answer your unasked question, Soul, yes, I’ve gained weight. But it’s because I’m pregnant.”

“With twins,” Mac finished.

Soul nodded solemnly, thinking this new development through. He looked at Mac. “Talos won’t like it, but Dad will be happy for you.”

“I don’t give a shit what any of them think,” Mac said, a bit of a snap coming into his voice.

“Mac,” Lauren chided softly.

Mac took a deep breath and made a conscious effort to get rid of the defensive anger that cropped up anytime his family was mentioned. There would be more than enough fighting for him to get into later. “Sorry,” he muttered, taking his wife’s hand. “I suppose we can’t put it off any longer. Let’s go inside.”

[challenge] mango, [challenge] candy apple, [inactive-author] kaitygirl

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