FotD - Totemic, Red Currant #2, Mango #22

Jan 21, 2011 19:51

Story: Blaze Mafia Family
Title: Fire
Prompts: FotD: totemic (Pertaining to an object or natural phenomenon with which a family or group considers itself closely related), Red Currant #2: heat wave, Mango #22: damage control
Rating: R for violence, torture, implied murder
Characters: Nicky Nails Blaze, Soul Wade, Felix Wade,
Summary: Six weeks after Atlas’ death and about seven hours after The Influence of a King with the Power of a Queen. In my mind, the Blaze Mafia is at its most evil when they’re obliterating the Lafayette Family. I’ve every intention of delving into this night more but writing something this blatantly evil is easiest in small doses.

The Lafayette Chateau was ablaze. Nicky Nails thought that description was particularly apt in this case because the roaring flames had been started by the Blaze Family. Fire was one of their favorite methods of taking care of business. It was practical, obliterating evidence as well as their target, but there was something else about fire that appealed to him. Fire was mesmerizing, impossible to ignore, and all consuming. It was power in its purest form, uncontrolled and intoxicating.

The Blaze Family didn’t start fires very often, the natural connection between the name Blaze and a blazing fire was obvious enough that even a law enforcement official could see it, but tonight was special. This was six weeks of impatient waiting finally coming to an end. This was finally getting revenge for his brother’s pointless murder. This was cleansing the city of its traitorous taint. This was a celebration. All of the Blaze Family, from soldier to Boss, was circled around the house, watching the inferno and letting it fill them all with the same grim satisfaction.

Nicky’s attention was caught by a dark shadow in the front doorway that solidified into a middle-aged woman stumbling out the entrance. She was coughing violently, her face and clothes smudged black and her eyes watering from the smoke.

“Soul!” Nicky alerted his son, but Soul and Felix were already on her, snatching her by the arms and dragging her away from the house over to him.

Nicky recognized the woman immediately. He moved to the four Lafayette brothers kneeling in the dirt where the Blazes had forced them to watch the destruction. He grabbed the second brother by the hair and jerked his head up roughly, forcing him to look at the woman. “Look who it is, Armand.”

Nicky could feel Armand’s jolt of shock. “Colette!” he cried, trying to break free so he could get to her. But Nicky’s grip on his hair was tight and the rope lashing him to the ground was even tighter.

Colette also lunged at her husband, breaking down into shrieking sobs while she fought at Soul and Felix, who contained her with no problem. “Armand! Please save us! Please! Armand!”

“Do you hear her, Armand?” Nicky murmured to his captive like a devil. “Save her, Armand. Please, Armand.”

“She did nothing! Let her go, you bastards! She’s innocent!” Armand howled, fighting as hard as he could to free himself and do just as his wife was begging him.

Nicky jerked Armand’s head back painfully so Armand was forced to look up at him. He leaned down and snarled, “But she did do something. She married you.”

Nicky straightened. “Shoot her in the knee then throw her back in,” he ordered.

Soul’s face lit up with glee as Colette and Armand both screamed in denial. Felix’s expression was just as pleased. This had been a night neither of them would ever forget for reasons other than finally being able to bring peace to Atlas. They’d never gotten to indulge in so much unadulterated violence before; it was the best night of their lives.

Nicky made Armand watch as Felix and Soul dragged the wildly struggling woman back to the house. They threw her to the ground then Felix kept her from running away while Soul pulled out his gun. He stomped his heavy boot on her flailing ankle, making her shriek and Armand jerk forward, to keep her leg still then shot her once in the kneecap so she wouldn’t be able to escape her funeral pyre again.

Colette was screaming non-stop now, still fighting Soul and Felix though she was obviously in a great deal of pain. Felix grabbed her under the armpits then hauled her up while Soul grabbed her feet to help. They carried her up the marble steps leading to the front entrance, controlling her even as her struggling grew more desperate as they got closer to the house. Soul dropped her feet when they reached the wide double doors that were already being consumed by fire. Felix shoved Colette through the wide double doors back into the smoke and fire that the Blazes had created just for the Lafayettes.

“Colette!” Armand roared, his helplessness and rage combining into a cry of complete and utter despair.

Nicky grinned and threw Armand back into the dirt where beasts like him belonged. That cry was the sound of a broken man. Nicky reveled in that sound. It ran through his being like a dark wave before covering the wound Atlas’ death had created in his heart with the most effective bandage he was capable of. Revenge wasn’t bitter or sweet to Nicky Nails. It was satisfying.

Nicky vowed he would have the satisfaction of hearing each Lafayette brother scream like that before the night was through.

[challenge] mango, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [challenge] red currant, [challenge] flavor of the day

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