Candy Apple #12, Mango #8 + rainbow sprinkles

Jan 20, 2011 21:35

Story: Blaze Mafia Family
Title: Piano Hands
Prompts: Candy Apple #12: fingers/toes, Mango #8: I can’t help myself + rainbow sprinkles
Rating: PG13 for sugar mama awesomeness
Characters: Daniel Greene, Firebird Blaze
Summary: No particular place in the timeline. Firebird has a weakness for pianists, and the pianists know it. This is a product of falling madly in love with Michael Pardue (played by Lee Pace, who has the best slow smile EVER) and the soundtrack from Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.

It was well known among musicians that the best city to play piano in was New Palermo. A piano player could almost always find work because the people there loved their jazz and swing music like nowhere else in the country, and the clubs catering to that crowd were a dime a dozen in the city.

It was also well known among musicians that the best club to play piano at was a Blaze club. Not because they paid any better or the job was more stable, but there was one possible side perk that had every pianist hard up for cash, which was to say all of them, competing for the job. To have any chance at all of getting said side perk, a pianist had to be unattached, good-looking, talented, experienced, and have a touch of luck.

Daniel Greene was an unattached, good-looking, talented, experienced pianist hard up for cash. And tonight was his lucky night.

The side perk had graced the club he’d been playing at for three weeks. He'd fought tooth and nail for this job for the express purpose of meeting it. Or her, as it were. Firebird Blaze had a weakness for pianists, and the pianists knew it. She wasn’t the only woman that had a soft spot for piano players, not by a long shot, but it was what she wanted in a man that gave pianists a soft spot for her. She wanted a man that would give her a satisfying tumble in the sheets then disappear until she called for him again. She wanted a man that wasn’t going to question her or volunteer information about himself. She wanted a man that she could have on her arm at a social function and he wouldn’t embarrass her or hear too much. But the best part was that she was more than willing to show her appreciation to any man that could give her what she wanted in the form of cash, clothes, cars, and anything else a man could possibly want. Daniel Greene had every intention of being exactly the kind of man that Firebird Blaze wanted.

Daniel added an extra flourish to his solo as it came up, enough to catch Firebird’s attention just as he’d hoped it would. He didn’t look up or show that he was even aware of her presence just yet. He knew how to play this game. He went through his solo, playing it for all it was worth and then some more. As he finished his solo, he glanced up at the crowd and just happened to catch Firebird’s eye, who was watching him intently, a small smirk gracing her lips.

Daniel smiled at her while he continued playing, a slow seductive smile with a hint of dimple and much stronger hint of suggestion. Firebird’s smile twitched upwards a little bit more before she turned her attention back to her companions. Daniel also turned his attention back to his job, watching her from the corner of his eye but making sure that she didn’t see that he was.

Firebird watched him play a couple more times, and he made sure to catch her eye at least once more, issuing the same silent invitation as before. In situations like these, it was the woman that made the first move, not the man.

The move was made near the end of his set. Firebird lifted a finger and a waiter appeared at her elbow like magic. She watched Daniel as she murmured something into the waiter’s bent ear. The waiter glanced up at him too for a moment then nodded to Firebird and disappeared. Daniel’s triumph rushed through his entire body. The hardest step was over. He had no doubt that there was going to be an invitation to join Firebird for a drink or the like as soon as he stepped off the stage.

Daniel looked up at her then. She was watching him again, this time with a knowing smile that tilted the edges of her lips up with pleased anticipation.

Tonight really was Daniel’s lucky night.

[topping] sprinkles, [challenge] mango, [challenge] candy apple, [inactive-author] kaitygirl

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