Chocolate #11, Amaretto #28, Vinegar #29 + whipped cream

Dec 22, 2010 22:50

Title: Because I Said So
Prompt: Chocolate #11: confusion, Amaretto #28: common sense, Vinegar #29: use only as directed, whipped cream
Rating: PG
Characters: Firebird Blaze, Atlas Blaze, Nicky Nails Blaze, references to Soul Wade
Summary: Firebird’s superior attitude is a natural trait, not a learned one. Soul’s obedience towards Firebird may not be one he had from birth, but she did train him early in life.

“Daddy, may I have a Band-Aid please?”

Her request managed to do the impossible: Atlas actually looked away from the football game he and his brother Nicky had been watching. “What happened, baby girl? Are you okay?”

“It’s not for me. Soul needs a Band-Aid.”

It was Nicky’s turn to have his attention diverted from the game. “What’s wrong with Soul?”

“Yesterday he fell off his bike and got a booboo on his arm,” Firebird lifted her own arm and showed her father and uncle where Soul’s booboo was, “And he’s got a scab but he keeps picking at it and making it bleed because he likes the color but I don’t want him to do that anymore because mommy said booboos can’t get better unless you leave them alone so I need a Band-Aid to make him stop picking at it.”

“Ah,” Atlas said. “Nicky, go get your kid a Band-Aid.”

“Yeah,” Nicky sighed and got off the couch. Nicky was at his wits end with his youngest child. Not only was Nicky’s home life hell anytime his wife, Marie, heard mention of Soul, but the kid was also too obsessed with blood and pain. There was something off about him, and Nicky had no idea what to do about it but he was going to have do something soon or else the kid was going to end up hurting himself.

Atlas looked down at his daughter. “What are you going to do if Soul takes the Band-Aid off?” he asked.

Firebird’s answer was immediate. “I’ll tell him no and he won’t take it off anymore.”

“Oh?” Atlas asked, barely suppressing his amused smile. “And why is he going to listen to you? He’s nine years old and you’re only four.”

“He has to listen to me.”


Firebird gave her daddy a four year old’s version of a ‘duh’ look. “Because I said so.”

“Ah,” was all Atlas said, scrubbing his face with his hand to cover his grin.

Nicky came in with the bandage and handed it to Firebird. “Thank you, Uncle Nicky!” she said in a sing-song voice before running out the back door to search for her cousin.

“She’s going to tell him no and then he won’t take off the Band-Aid and pick at his scab anymore,” Atlas filled his brother in.

Nicky snorted and dropped back into the couch. “Do I believe she can do it? Hell yes, I do.”

[challenge] vinegar, [challenge] amaretto, [topping] whipped cream, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [challenge] chocolate

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