Title: Acceptance
Main Story:
In The HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Creamsicle 17 (acceptance), FOTD (inchoate: in an initial or early stage, just begun; imperfectly formed or formulated), pocky, rainbow sprinkles (Thea), malt (c's trick or treat: “I know I said that I, I said I'd be all right, I lied” -- The Decemberists, Hurdles Even Here
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Comments 13
The rest of it just makes me incredibly sad. It is one of the worst things to have a family member dealing with cancer and Thea knowing she's not going to make it this time is just... :( Why must you insist on repeatedly breaking my heart? (In a good way, promise.)
I break your heart because I can I love you. Um. There's happy stuff coming, I swear! Thanks for reading!
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