Title: Acceptance
Main Story:
In The HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Creamsicle 17 (acceptance), FOTD (inchoate: in an initial or early stage, just begun; imperfectly formed or formulated), pocky, rainbow sprinkles (Thea), malt (c's trick or treat: “I know I said that I, I said I'd be all right, I lied” -- The Decemberists, Hurdles Even Here).
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Thea starts coughing again.
Notes: Thea is Lars's mother, and went into remission from lung cancer approximately nine years prior to this.
The coughing starts up again, viciously, one warm summer night.
Thea folds against the bathroom sink and thrusts her arm against her mouth, to muffle the coughs. She doesn't want to wake Henrik. She knows it's back, but she'll keep that knowledge from him and their children for one more night.
It subsides, eventually, and she has a sip of water, then looks into her own eyes in the mirror. They are huge and grave in her pale face.
Last time she was lucky. This time, she knows she will not be.
This time, Thea knows she's going to die.