Title: Authority
Main Story:
In The HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Creamsicle 16 (authority), malt (Summer Challenge 139: Sometimes I'm terrified to realize how many options other people have), rainbow sprinkles (Cecily), cookie crumbs (of
this), whipped cream (Ivy in utero), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Gail is pregnant, and Cecily's mind is blown.
Gail's pregnant. Holy shit.
Cecily hangs up the phone, rubs her hand across her face. Her sister is pregnant, and keeping the baby, and if that doesn't add up to trouble...
But then, who is she to judge? She's not the one with another human inside her. And Gail already knows what she's going to do. Gail has always known what she's going to do; Cecily has always envied her sister that certainty.
She doesn't know what she'd do in Gail's shoes. She hardly knows what Gail's got in mind.
Well, at least she can go along for the ride.