Title: Prosperity
Main Story:
In The HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Creamsicle 12 (prosperity), FOTD (parse: to make sense of; to comprehend), rainbow sprinkles (Ethan), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Ethan parses life.
He's working his fifth minimum wage job in a row, this time in a bookstore. It's only part-time, but Ethan doesn't really care. There's enough money there to support him and his cat, to pay the rent and buy them both food.
He doesn't keep significant others for long. They don't understand why he's still happily working retail. He tells them he doesn't need the money; his dad's a subway ride away, his sister a bus ride north. He's got his cat and his library card and his internet, and most importantly his time. What more could a guy want?