Guava with Whipped Cream and a Pocky

Oct 22, 2010 14:47

Story: Timeless { backstory | index }

Title: Nobody’s Surprise

Rating: G

Challenge: Guava #16: if you’re happy and you know it

Toppings/Extras: whipped cream, pocky, hot fudge

Wordcount: 100

Summary: There is one little girl in Miss Elms’ class that scares her a little.

Notes: Three cheers for sarcastic prompts!

For an eleven-year-old, she certainly was intimidating.

Miss Elms had not gone into secondary school teaching expecting it all to be sunshine and roses-especially not on the twelfth level, which was barely above the Smog, although it beat the total poverty of the ground floor-but young Adele Merritt was not normal. She sat through the lessons glaring at the board as though trying to scare the knowledge into her head.

She never smiled. Laughed. Played. She never joked or teased. She avoided talking to others when she could, and didn’t want or have any friends. To nobody’s surprise.

[topping] whipped cream, [inactive-author] ninablues, [challenge] guava, [extra] pocky, [topping] hot fudge

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