Title: Dear Agony
PhaseSummary: Oz started hating his parents when...
Timeline: February 1998 - Oz is 12, Brianna is 9.
Challenge: Molasses #18 (pull the plug), Cotton Candy #26 (left behind), Cookies N Cream #1 (spin)
Toppings/Extras: Whipped Cream, Fresh Pineapple (Frozen in the headlights, it seems I´ve made the final sacrifice)
Word Count: 189
Rating: PG
If it had been another situation, Oz might have blamed himself. When he came to, the world was little more than a painkiller induced haze, where he was surrounded by doctors and nurses and machines. He didn’t remember seeing his parents. He did remember the words ‘car crash’ and ‘had to remove your spleen’. He remembered being told more than once that he’d most likely to have to take daily antibiotics for a few years, and possibly the rest of his life, depending on how things went.
Most of all, he remembered how nurses would avoid his gaze and find a reason to leave when he asked how his sister was. By the time they told him, Brianna had been dead for a week. Her funeral was over. She was buried.
Oz could have easily blamed himself. It was his suggestion that they unbuckle their seatbelts, to try and reach something on the floorboard, some game to entertain themselves. But it was his parents that hadn’t even tried to bring her back. They hadn’t put Brianna on life support, or given her a chance to come back at all.